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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, C, L, O, 2S and T

BELTCOURSESbeltcourses n. Plural of beltcourse.
belt␣courses n. Plural of belt course.
BELTCOURSE n. an ornamental projecting band or continuous moulding along a wall.
BIOPLASTICSbioplastics n. Plural of bioplastic.
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
BLASTOCOELSblastocoels n. Plural of blastocoel.
BLASTOCOEL n. the cavity inside a blastula, also BLASTOCOELE.
BLASTOCYSTSblastocysts n. Plural of blastocyst.
BLASTOCYST n. a mammalian blastula in which some differentiation of cells has occurred.
BLASTODISCSblastodiscs n. Plural of blastodisc.
BLASTODISC n. the embryo-forming portion of an egg with discoid cleavage.
BLOODSTOCKSbloodstocks n. Plural of bloodstock.
BLOODSTOCK n. horses of thoroughbred breeding.
BLOTCHINESSblotchiness n. The state or condition of being blotchy.
BLOTCHINESS n. the state of being blotchy.
CATABOLISEScatabolises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of catabolise.
CATABOLISE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLIZE.
CATABOLISMScatabolisms n. Plural of catabolism.
CATABOLISM n. destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also KATABOLISM.
CLOUDBURSTScloudbursts n. Plural of cloudburst.
cloud-bursts n. Plural of cloud-burst.
cloud␣bursts n. Plural of cloud burst.
CNIDOBLASTScnidoblasts n. Plural of cnidoblast.
CNIDOBLAST n. a stinging thread cell containing a nematocyst.
COMESTIBLEScomestibles n. Plural of comestible.
COMESTIBLE n. something edible.
LEUCOBLASTSleucoblasts n. Plural of leucoblast.
LEUCOBLAST n. an immature cell which will develop into a leucocyte, also LEUKOBLAST.
MESOBLASTICmesoblastic adj. (Biology) of, relating to, or resembling the mesoblast.
MESOBLASTIC adj. like a mesoblast.
OBSOLESCENTobsolescent adj. In the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet.
OBSOLESCENT adj. not functional, but not reduced to a rudiment.
SYMBOLISTICsymbolistic adj. Characterized by the use of symbols.
SYMBOLISTIC adj. relating to symbolism, also SYMBOLISTICAL.
TOBACCOLESStobaccoless adj. Without tobacco.
TOBACCOLESS adj. without tobacco.
VOCABULISTSvocabulists n. Plural of vocabulist.
VOCABULIST n. the writer or maker of a vocabulary; a lexicographer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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