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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, C, L, O, R and 2S

BELTCOURSESbeltcourses n. Plural of beltcourse.
belt␣courses n. Plural of belt course.
BELTCOURSE n. an ornamental projecting band or continuous moulding along a wall.
BRUCELLOSESbrucelloses n. Plural of brucellosis.
BRUCELLOSIS n. an undulant fever of cattle.
BRUCELLOSISbrucellosis n. (Pathology) Infection by a bacterium of the genus Brucella, which is carried by ruminants and other…
BRUCELLOSIS n. an undulant fever of cattle.
CLOUDBURSTScloudbursts n. Plural of cloudburst.
cloud-bursts n. Plural of cloud-burst.
cloud␣bursts n. Plural of cloud burst.
PROCESSABLEprocessable adj. Able to be processed; suitable for processing.
PROCESSABLE adj. that can be processed, also PROCESSIBLE.
PROCESSIBLEprocessible adj. Alternative form of processable.
PROCESSIBLE adj. that can be processed, also PROCESSABLE.
SCABERULOUSscaberulous adj. (Botany) slightly scabrous or roughened.
SCABERULOUS adj. (archaic) somewhat scabrous or rough.
SCALEBOARDSscaleboards n. Plural of scaleboard.
SCALEBOARD n. a very thin piece of board, used for backing a picture, as a veneer, etc.
SCROBICULESSCROBICULE n. a small pit or depression, as around the tubercles of a sea urchin.
SUPERBLOCKSsuperblocks n. Plural of superblock.
SUPERBLOCK n. a large block composed of other blocks.
UNCROSSABLEuncrossable adj. Impossible to cross.
UNCROSSABLE adj. that cannot be crossed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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