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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, C, L, N, 2O and S

BILOCATIONSbilocations n. Plural of bilocation.
BILOCATION n. the ability to be in two places at once.
BIOCONTROLSbiocontrols n. Plural of biocontrol.
BIOCONTROL n. pest control by biological means e.g. cane toads.
BOLLOCKINGSbollockings n. Plural of bollocking.
BOLLOCKING n. a reprimand.
BOLLOCKSINGbollocksing v. Present participle of bollocks.
BOLLOCKS v. to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BALLOCKS, BOLIX, BOLLOX.
BROCCOLINISBROCCOLINI n. (tradename) a cultivated variety of cabbage.
BRONCHIOLESbronchioles n. Plural of bronchiole.
BRONCHIOLE n. a minute bronchial tube.
BUBONOCELESbubonoceles n. Plural of bubonocele.
BUBONOCELE n. an inguinal hernia; esp. that incomplete variety in which the hernial pouch descends only as far as the groin, forming a swelling there like a bubo.
COBBLESTONEcobblestone n. A rounded stone from a river bed, fit for use as ballast in ships and for paving roads.
cobblestone n. (Uncountable) The material made from cobblestones.
COBBLESTONE n. a large paving stone.
COGNOSCIBLEcognoscible adj. Capable of being known.
cognoscible adj. Liable to judicial investigation.
COGNOSCIBLE adj. cognizable, knowable.
COLLARBONEScollarbones n. Plural of collarbone.
collar-bones n. Plural of collar-bone.
collar␣bones n. Plural of collar bone.
COLONISABLEcolonisable adj. Alternative form of colonizable.
COLONISABLE adj. able to be colonised, also COLONIZABLE.
CONGLOBATESconglobates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conglobate.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
CONSORTABLEconsortable adj. (Obsolete) Suitable for association or companionship.
CONSORTABLE adj. able to be consorted with.
HALOCARBONShalocarbons n. Plural of halocarbon.
HALOCARBON n. a compound consisting of carbon and one or more halogens.
NONSYMBOLICnonsymbolic adj. Not symbolic.
NONSYMBOLIC adj. not symbolic.
OBSOLESCENTobsolescent adj. In the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet.
OBSOLESCENT adj. not functional, but not reduced to a rudiment.
OBSOLESCINGobsolescing v. Present participle of obsolesce.
OBSOLESCE v. to grow obsolescent.
SUBCOLONIESsubcolonies n. Plural of subcolony.
SUBCOLONY n. a subordinate colony.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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