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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing B, C, I, M, N, R and U

ALBUMINURICalbuminuric adj. Showing the symptom albuminuria, i.e. having albumen in the urine.
ALBUMINURIC adj. relating to albuminuria, the presence of albumin in the urine.
CRUMBLINESScrumbliness n. The state of being crumbly.
CRUMBLINESS n. the state of being crumbly.
DISENCUMBERdisencumber v. (Transitive) To remove an encumbrance or burden from (someone or something); unburden.
DISENCUMBER v. to free from encumbrance, also DISCUMBER.
ENCUMBERINGencumbering v. Present participle of encumber.
ENCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also INCUMBER.
INCUMBERINGincumbering v. Present participle of incumber.
INCUMBER v. to impede the motion of, also ENCUMBER.
INCUMBRANCEincumbrance n. A burden; a thing that must be carried.
incumbrance n. (Law) an interest, right, burden, or liability attached to a title of land, such as a lien or mortgage.
incumbrance n. (Law) One who is dependent on another.
MULTIBRANCHmultibranch adj. Of or pertaining to more than one branch (in various senses).
MULTICARBONmulticarbon adj. Alternative spelling of multi-carbon.
multi-carbon adj. (Organic chemistry) Describing any compound (or ring within a compound) containing more than one carbon atom.
MULTICARBON adj. containing more than one kind of carbon.
SUBHARMONICsubharmonic adj. (Physics) Having a frequency that is a fraction of a fundamental frequency.
subharmonic n. Such a frequency.
SUBHARMONIC n. a tone below a harmonic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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