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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, C, E, I, M, N and T

BESMUTCHINGbesmutching v. Present participle of besmutch.
BESMUTCH v. (archaic) to soil, besmirch.
BEWITCHMENTbewitchment n. The characteristic of being bewitched.
BEWITCHMENT n. the state of being bewitched.
BICOMPONENTbicomponent adj. Having two components.
BICOMPONENT n. a fiber made of two polymers having slightly different physical properties so that the fiber has a permanent crimp and fabrics made from it have inherent bulk and stretchability.
BIOCENTRISMbiocentrism n. An ethical viewpoint that extends inherent value to all non-human life, regardless of its sentience.
biocentrism n. A cosmological theory viewing life and biology as central to being, reality, and the cosmos such that…
COENOBITISMcoenobitism n. Alternative form of cenobitism.
cœnobitism n. Obsolete spelling of cenobitism.
COENOBITISM n. the state of being a coenobite.
COMBINATIVEcombinative adj. Of, pertaining to, or resulting from combination.
combinative adj. Serving, tending, or able to combine.
COMBINATIVE adj. tending or able to combine.
CONTEMNIBLEcontemnible adj. Fit to be contemned; contemptible.
CONTEMNIBLE adj. worthy of being contemned.
CONTEMNIBLYCONTEMNIBLE adv. worthy of being contemned.
EMBARCATIONembarcation n. Alternative form of embarkation.
EMBARCATION n. the act of embarking.
EMBROCATINGembrocating v. Present participle of embrocate.
EMBROCATE v. to moisten and rub with a lotion.
EMBROCATIONembrocation n. (Obsolete) The act of moistening and rubbing a diseased part with spirit, oil, etc.
embrocation n. The liquid or lotion with which an affected part is rubbed.
EMBROCATION n. a liquid medication rubbed on the skin.
FIBROCEMENTfibrocement n. A composite of cement and cellulose fibres.
FIBROCEMENT n. (tradename) a kind of wallboard, made of compressed asbestos and cement, also FIBRO, FIBROLITE.
INCUMBENTLYincumbently adv. In an incumbent manner; so as to be incumbent.
INCUMBENT adv. imposed on.
RECOMBINANTrecombinant adj. Formed by a new combination of existing elements.
recombinant adj. (Genetics) Formed by genetic recombination.
recombinant n. (Genetics) An organism, cell, or haplotype formed by genetic recombination.
UNCOMBATIVEuncombative adj. Not combative.
UNCOMBATIVE adj. not combative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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