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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, C, E, H, O, R and T

BATHOCHROMEBATHOCHROME n. a shift to a longer wavelength in the absorption spectrum of a compound.
BATHOMETRICBATHOMETRIC adj. relating to a bathometer, an instrument for measuring depths.
BEACHFRONTSbeachfronts n. Plural of beachfront.
BEACHFRONT n. a strip of land that fronts a beach.
BICHROMATEDBICHROMATED adj. relating to a salt of dichromic acid.
BICHROMATESbichromates n. Plural of bichromate.
BICHROMATE n. a salt of dichromic acid.
BLOWTORCHEDblowtorched v. Past participle of blowtorch.
BLOWTORCH v. to apply a blowtorch to.
BLOWTORCHESblowtorches n. Plural of blowtorch.
blowtorches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blowtorch.
blow␣torches n. Plural of blow torch.
BREECHCLOTHbreechcloth n. An apron-like garment held on by a belt tied around the waist to cover the loins; a loincloth.
breech-cloth n. Alternative spelling of breechcloth.
BREECHCLOTH n. a loincloth.
BREECHCLOUTbreechclout n. (Dated) A breechcloth or loincloth.
BREECHCLOUT n. a loincloth.
CHAMBERPOTSchamberpots n. Plural of chamberpot.
chamber␣pots n. Plural of chamber pot.
CHAMBERPOT n. a container for urine etc.
RETOUCHABLEretouchable adj. Capable of being retouched.
RETOUCHABLE adj. that can be retouched.
THERMOBARICthermobaric adj. Describing various weapons that use atmospheric oxygen to produce a blast wave of a significantly longer…
thermobaric n. A thermobaric weapon.
THERMOBARIC adj. of a weapon, using a combination of heat and pressure to create a blast more powerful than that of conventional explosives.
THROMBOCYTEthrombocyte n. (Hematology, cytology) platelet.
THROMBOCYTE n. a platelet.
TORCHBEARERtorchbearer n. A person who carries a torch (flaming brand).
torchbearer n. (By extension) The leader of a campaign, or one who gives inspiration to others.
TORCHBEARER n. one that carries a torch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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