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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing B, C, 2E, P, S and T

BATTLESPACEbattlespace n. (Military) The conditions of battle, including terrain, weather, infrastructure, etc., considered in…
BATTLESPACE n. the area of air, sea, and land that is directly involved in war.
BENTHOSCOPEBENTHOSCOPE n. a submersible sphere from which to study deep-sea life.
INSPECTABLEinspectable adj. Able to be inspected.
INSPECTABLE adj. that can be inspected.
PLEBISCITESplebiscites n. Plural of plebiscite.
PLEBISCITE n. a direct vote of the whole nation or of the people of a district on a special point.
POCKETBIKESpocket␣bikes n. Plural of pocket bike.
POCKETBIKE n. a type of small bicycle.
PUTRESCIBLEputrescible adj. Decomposable; capable of becoming putrescent; rottable.
PUTRESCIBLE n. something capable of putrescence.
RESPECTABLErespectable adj. Deserving respect.
respectable adj. Decent; satisfactory.
respectable adj. Moderately well-to-do.
RESPECTABLYrespectably adv. In a respectable manner; so as to gain respect.
respectably adv. Moderately; pretty well.
RESPECTABLE adv. worthy of respect.
SUBPREFECTSsubprefects n. Plural of subprefect.
SUBPREFECT n. one ranking below a prefect.
SUSCEPTIBLEsusceptible adj. Likely to be affected by something.
susceptible adj. Easily influenced or tricked; credulous.
susceptible adj. (Medicine) especially sensitive, particularly to a stimulus.
SUSPECTABLEsuspectable adj. That may be suspected.
SUSPECTABLE adj. that can be suspected.
THUMBPIECESthumbpieces n. Plural of thumbpiece.
THUMBPIECE n. a piece that is pressed by the thumb or receives the thumb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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