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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing B, C, 2E, M, N and O

BELOMANCIESBELOMANCY n. divination by means of arrows.
BIOMEDICINEbiomedicine n. The application of biology and physiology to clinical medicine.
biomedicine n. The branch of medicine that studies the effects of environmental stress on organisms (most often in space travel).
biomedicine n. (Countable) A medicine created with the use of living organisms.
COMMENDABLEcommendable adj. Worthy of commendation; deserving praise; admirable, creditable, or meritorious.
COMMENDABLE adj. that can be commended.
COMPENSABLEcompensable adj. Able to be compensated; entitling one to compensation.
COMPENSABLE adj. that is to be or can be compensated.
CONDEMNABLEcondemnable adj. Deserving of condemnation.
CONDEMNABLE adj. able to be condemned.
CONTEMNIBLEcontemnible adj. Fit to be contemned; contemptible.
CONTEMNIBLE adj. worthy of being contemned.
DEBOUCHMENTdebouchment n. The point of debouch of a watercourse.
debouchment n. (Medicine) Opening or emptying into another part.
debouchment n. (Military) The act, or the result of debouching.
EMBRYOGENICembryogenic adj. Of or pertaining to embryogenesis.
EMBRYOGENIC adj. relating to embryogeny.
FIBROCEMENTfibrocement n. A composite of cement and cellulose fibres.
FIBROCEMENT n. (tradename) a kind of wallboard, made of compressed asbestos and cement, also FIBRO, FIBROLITE.
HONEYCOMBEDhoneycombed v. Simple past tense and past participle of honeycomb.
honeycombed adj. Having a perforated structure, resembling a honeycomb.
HONEYCOMB v. to make like a honeycomb.
OBMUTESCENTobmutescent adj. Silent; unable or refusing to speak.
OBMUTESCENT adj. speechless; persistently silent.
OBSCUREMENTobscurement n. The act of obscuring, or the state of being obscured.
OBSCUREMENT n. the act of obscuring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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