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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, C, D, 2I, S and T

ABDICATIONSabdications n. Plural of abdication.
ABDICATION n. an act of abdicating.
ABORTICIDESaborticides n. Plural of aborticide.
ABORTICIDE n. the killing of a fetus; abortion.
BACTERIOIDSBACTERIOID n. a swollen bacterium living symbiotically in the root-nodules of beans and other plants, also BACTEROID.
BENEDICITESbenedicites n. Plural of benedicite.
Benedicites n. Plural of Benedicite.
BENEDICITE n. (Latin) a blessing, a grace at table.
BICUSPIDATEbicuspidate adj. Having two points or prominences (As teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.); bicuspid.
BICUSPIDATE adj. having two cusps.
BICUSPIDATE n. a tooth having two cusps, also BICUSPID.
CHILDBIRTHSchildbirths n. Plural of childbirth.
child-births n. Plural of child-birth.
CHILDBIRTH n. the act of giving birth.
DISSECTIBLEdissectible adj. Alternative spelling of dissectable.
DISSECTIBLE adj. capable of being dissected.
DUBITANCIESdubitancies n. Plural of dubitancy.
DUBITANCY n. (obsolete) doubt.
HUDIBRASTIChudibrastic adj. Alternative spelling of Hudibrastic.
Hudibrastic adj. Of, or relating to a style of English verse that mocks heroic verse.
HUDIBRASTIC adj. boastful.
IDIOBLASTICidioblastic adj. Of, or relating to an idioblast.
IDIOBLASTIC adj. relating to an idioblast.
SUBDISTRICTsubdistrict n. A district forming part of a larger district.
subdistrict v. (Transitive) To divide (a district) into subdistricts.
sub-district n. Alternative form of subdistrict.
SUBINDICATEsubindicate v. (Transitive) To indicate by signs or hints; to indicate imperfectly.
SUBINDICATE v. (obsolete) to hint.
TROPICBIRDStropicbirds n. Plural of tropicbird.
TROPICBIRD n. any aquatic bird of the tropical family Phaethontidae, having long slender tail feathers and a white plumage with black markings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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