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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, 2O, R, 2S and T

BIOSTROMESbiostromes n. Plural of biostrome.
BIOSTROME n. a rock layer consisting of a deposit of organic material such as fossils.
BIRDSFOOTSbird's-foots n. Plural of bird’s-foot.
BIRDSFOOT n. a papilionaceous genus of plants with clawlike pods.
BLASTOPORSBLASTOPOR n. the opening of the archenteron in the gastrula that develops into the anus of some animals, also BLASTOPORE.
BOISTEROUSboisterous adj. Full of energy; exuberant; noisy.
boisterous adj. Characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy.
boisterous adj. Having or resembling animal exuberance.
BOOKSTORESbookstores n. Plural of bookstore.
book␣stores n. Plural of book store.
BOOKSTORE n. a bookshop.
BOOSTERISHboosterish adj. Promotional; acting as or like a booster for a particular community or group.
BOOSTERISH adj. exhibiting boosterism, the practice of boosting or promoting a product or idea.
BOOSTERISMboosterism n. (US) Promotion of a city, organisation, etc. in order to improve public opinion.
BOOSTERISM n. the practice of boosting or promoting a product or idea.
BOOTSTRAPSbootstraps n. Plural of bootstrap.
BOOTSTRAP v. to prepare (a computer) for operation by causing an operating system to be loaded into its memory.
COMBUSTORScombustors n. Plural of combustor.
COMBUSTOR n. the system in a jet engine by which combustion takes place.
JOBSWORTHSjobsworths n. Plural of jobsworth.
JOBSWORTH n. a minor official, esp. one who adheres rigidly to petty rules.
MOTORBUSESmotorbuses n. Plural of motorbus.
MOTORBUS n. a bus driven by an internal-combustion engine.
OBTRUSIONSobtrusions n. Plural of obtrusion.
OBTRUSION n. an unwanted thrusting in, forward or upon.
ROBUSTIOUSrobustious adj. Boisterous.
ROBUSTIOUS adj. boisterous.
STORYBOOKSstorybooks n. Plural of storybook.
STORYBOOK n. a book of tales true or fictitious, esp. one for children.
TARBOOSHEStarbooshes n. Plural of tarboosh.
TARBOOSH n. (Arabic) a fez, a hat worn by Muslim men, also TARBOUCHE, TARBOUSH, TARBUSH.
THROMBOSESthromboses n. Plural of thrombosis.
thromboses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thrombose.
THROMBOSIS n. clotting of blood in a vessel during life.
THROMBOSISthrombosis n. (Pathology) The formation of thrombi in the blood vessels of a living organism, causing obstruction…
THROMBOSIS n. clotting of blood in a vessel during life.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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