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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, I, L, O, S, T and Y

BLINDSTORYblindstory n. (Architecture) The triforium, as opposed to the clerestory.
BLINDSTORY n. a storey without windows, such as a gallery in a Gothic church, also BLINDSTOREY.
BOASTINGLYboastingly adv. Boastfully.
BRYOLOGISTbryologist n. A scientist specialising in bryology.
BRYOLOGIST n. one versed in bryology.
FABULOSITYfabulosity n. (Uncountable) Fabulousness; the quality of being fabulous; fictitiousness; mythical character.
fabulosity n. (Obsolete, countable) A fabulous thing; a fable.
FABULOSITY n. fabulousness.
HOSPITABLYhospitably adv. In a hospitable manner.
HOSPITABLE adv. kind to strangers.
MYOBLASTICmyoblastic adj. Of or relating to the myoblast.
MYOBLASTIC adj. of or like a myoblast, a cell producing muscle tissue.
NEBULOSITYnebulosity n. (Meteorology, astronomy) The characteristic of being nebulous; cloudiness (measured in octas).
NEBULOSITY n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOUSNESS.
OBEISANTLYobeisantly adv. In an obeisant manner.
OBEISANT adv. showing respect.
OSTENSIBLYostensibly adv. (Modal) Seemingly, apparently, on the surface.
OSTENSIBLE adv. intended for display, plausible rather than demonstrably true or real.
POLYBASITEpolybasite n. (Mineralogy) An iron-black ore of silver, consisting of silver, sulfur, and antimony, with some copper and arsenic.
POLYBASITE n. a grey to black mineral consisting of a sulphide of silver, antimony, and copper in the form of platelike monoclinic crystals.
SABULOSITYsabulosity n. The characteristic of being sabulous; sandiness; grittiness.
SABULOSITY n. grittiness, sandiness.
SIBILATORYsibilatory adj. Hissing; sibilant.
SIBILATORY adj. hissing; sibilant.
SOLUBILITYsolubility n. The condition of being soluble.
solubility n. (Chemistry) The amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a solvent, to give a saturated…
SOLUBILITY n. the state of being soluble.
SYMBOLISTSsymbolists n. Plural of symbolist.
SYMBOLIST n. a practitioner of symbolism, the use of symbols in literature or art.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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