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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, 2I, L, N, S and U

ALBUMINISEalbuminise v. Non-Oxford British spelling spelling of albuminize.
ALBUMINISE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
BILINGUALSbilinguals n. Plural of bilingual.
BILINGUAL n. one who can speak two languages equally well.
BILINGUISTbilinguist n. (Linguistics) One who speaks two languages.
BILINGUIST n. one versed in two languages.
BILIRUBINSbilirubins n. Plural of bilirubin.
BILIRUBIN n. a reddish yellow pigment present in bile.
BULLIONISTbullionist n. An advocate for a metallic currency, or a paper currency always convertible into gold.
BULLIONIST n. one in favour of metallic currency.
FABULISINGfabulising v. Present participle of fabulise.
FABULISE v. to write fables, also FABULIZE.
INSULBRICKSorry, definition not available.
LIBIDINOUSlibidinous adj. Having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
LIBIDINOUS adj. having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness.
NEBULISINGnebulising v. Present participle of nebulise.
NEBULISE v. to reduce to a fine spray, also NEBULIZE.
NUBILITIESnubilities n. Plural of nubility.
NUBILITY n. the quality of being nubile.
PUBLISHINGpublishing n. The industry of publishing, including the production and distribution of books, magazines, web sites, newspapers, etc.
publishing n. Something published; a publication.
publishing v. Present participle of publish.
QUIBBLINGSquibblings n. Plural of quibbling.
QUIBBLING n. the act of quibbling.
SUBCEILINGsubceiling n. A ceiling (or limit) placed on a subdivision.
SUBCEILING n. an under-ceiling.
SUBLIMINALsubliminal adj. (Physiology) Of a stimulus: below the limen or threshold of conscious perception, especially if still…
subliminal adj. (Psychology) Without directed awareness or thought; subconscious (dated), unconscious.
subliminal adj. (By extension) Of an advertisement, a message, etc.: conveyed in a manner that a person is unaware of…
SUBLIMINGSsublimings n. Plural of subliming.
SUBLIMING n. the act of subliming.
SUBMINIMALsubminimal adj. Below a minimal value.
SUBMINIMAL adj. less than minimum necessary.
SUBSOILINGsubsoiling n. Ploughing to the depth of the subsoil.
SUBSOILING n. the act of ploughing the subsoil.
SUBTILISINsubtilisin n. (Biochemistry) A protease produced by soil bacteria of the genus Bacillus.
SUBTILISIN n. an extracellular protease created by a soil bacillus.
SUBTITLINGsubtitling v. Present participle of subtitle.
subtitling n. The addition of subtitles to a work.
SUBTITLING n. the act of providing with a subtitle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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