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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing B, G, H, I, N, R and T

BENIGHTERSbenighters n. Plural of benighter.
BENIGHTER n. one who benights.
BETHORNINGBETHORN v. to fill with thorns.
BETROTHINGbetrothing v. Present participle of betroth.
BETROTH v. to engage to marry.
BIRTHNIGHTbirthnight n. The night of someone’s birth.
birthnight n. The anniversary of that night in subsequent years.
BIRTHNIGHT n. the night in which a person is born; the anniversary of that night in succeeding years.
BLATHERINGblathering v. Present participle of blather.
blathering n. Incoherent or foolish talk.
blathering n. Meaningless nonsense.
BLETHERINGblethering v. Present participle of blether.
blethering n. (Especially Northern England, Scotland, Northern Ireland) Alternative form of blathering.
BLETHERING n. the act of talking loquacious nonsense.
BLITHERINGblithering adj. Talking incoherently; jabbering.
blithering v. Present participle of blither.
blithering n. Incoherent or foolish talk.
BREATHINGSbreathings n. Plural of breathing.
BREATHING n. the act of taking breath.
BRIGHTENEDbrightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of brighten.
BRIGHTEN v. to make bright.
BRIGHTENERbrightener n. One who or that which brightens.
brightener n. A chemical agent that absorbs ultraviolet and violet light and re-emits blue light by fluorescence…
brightener n. (Metallurgy) Any substance added to an electrolytic bath to yield a brighter electroplated surface.
BRIGHTNESSbrightness n. The quality of being bright.
brightness n. The perceived luminance of an object.
brightness n. Intelligence, cleverness.
BROTHERINGbrothering v. Present participle of brother.
BROTHER v. to treat like a brother.
BURTHENINGburthening v. Present participle of burthen.
BURTHEN v. to burden.
BUTCHERINGbutchering v. Present participle of butcher.
butchering n. The act by which someone or something is butchered; a slaughter or killing.
BUTCHERING n. slaughtering.
NIGHTBIRDSnightbirds n. Plural of nightbird.
night␣birds n. Plural of night bird.
NIGHTBIRD n. a bird that flies or sings at night.
REBIRTHINGrebirthing n. (Spirituality) Rebirth.
rebirthing n. (Video games, online gaming) An act of resetting a player character’s level to its initial value (i…
rebirthing n. (New Age) The practice of simulating the birth process by wrapping a child tightly in blankets from…
THROBBINGSthrobbings n. Plural of throbbing.
THROBBING n. the act of throbbing.
THUNBERGIAthunbergia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Thunbergia of flowering plants.
Thunbergia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Acanthaceae – clockvines.
THUNBERGIA n. (Swedish) any of a genus of evergreen climbing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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