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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, E, M, N, O, R and T

BEMONSTERSbemonsters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bemonster.
BEMONSTER v. (archaic) to make monstrous or like a monster.
BESTORMINGBESTORM v. to assail with storms.
BRIMSTONESbrimstones n. Plural of brimstone.
BRIMSTONE n. sulphur; esp. (otherwise archaic) burning sulphur, (the fuel of) hellfire.
BROMINATEDbrominated v. Simple past tense and past participle of brominate.
brominated adj. (Chemistry) Treated or reacted with bromine or hydrobromic acid.
brominated adj. (Chemistry) Formally derived from another compound by the replacement of one or more atoms of hydrogen with bromine.
BROMINATESbrominates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brominate.
BROMINATE v. to treat with bromine.
EMBRYONATEembryonate adj. Having an embryo.
embryonate v. To produce, or to differentiate into an embryo.
EMBRYONATE adj. (obsolete) of minerals, embedded in other material, also EMBRYONATED.
LOBSTERMANlobsterman n. A fisherman (male or female) for lobsters.
lobsterman n. (Fiction) A fictional alien or monster that looks like a lobster/human hybrid.
LOBSTERMAN n. a fisherman who catches lobsters.
LOBSTERMENlobstermen n. Plural of lobsterman.
LOBSTERMAN n. a fisherman who catches lobsters.
MONTBRETIAmontbretia n. Any plant of the genus Crocosmia (once called Montbretia).
MONTBRETIA n. a widely cultivated plant of the African iridaceous genus Crocosmia.
OUTNUMBERSoutnumbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outnumber.
OUTNUMBER v. to surpass in number.
PROCUMBENTprocumbent adj. Prone or prostrate.
procumbent adj. (Botany) That trails along the ground.
procumbent adj. (Dentistry) inclined towards the lips.
ROBERTSMANRobertsman n. (UK, obsolete) A bold, stout robber, or night thief.
ROBERTSMAN n. (obsolete) a stout robber, also ROBERDSMAN.
ROBERTSMENRobertsmen n. Plural of Robertsman.
ROBERTSMAN n. (obsolete) a stout robber, also ROBERDSMAN.
TAMBOURINEtambourine n. A percussion instrument consisting of a small, usually wooden, hoop closed on one side with a drum frame…
tambourine n. A tambourine dove.
tambourine n. A kind of Provençal dance.
THROMBOGENTHROMBOGEN n. a protein present in blood that is essential for the formation of thrombin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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