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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, E, L, O, R and 2S

ABOLISHERSabolishers n. Plural of abolisher.
ABOLISHER n. one who abolishes.
ASTROLABESastrolabes n. Plural of astrolabe.
ASTROLABE n. a compact instrument used to observe and calculate the position of celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant.
BESLOBBERSbeslobbers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beslobber.
BESLOBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLUBBER.
BLOSSOMIERBLOSSOMY adj. full of blossoms, flowery.
BLUSTEROUSblusterous adj. Tending to bluster.
BLUSTEROUS adj. inclined to bluster, also BLUSTROUS.
BOLSTERERSbolsterers n. Plural of bolsterer.
BOLSTERER n. one who bolsters.
BORDERLESSborderless adj. Not having a border.
BORDERLESS adj. without a border.
BROWSABLESBROWSABLE n. something that can be browsed.
CARBOLISEScarbolises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carbolise.
CARBOLISE v. to treat or disinfect with phenol, also CARBOLIZE.
CARBONLESScarbonless adj. Without carbon.
CARBONLESS adj. without carbon.
HARBORLESSharborless adj. Alternative spelling of harbourless.
HARBORLESS adj. (US) without a harbor, also HARBOURLESS.
LOBSTERERSlobsterers n. Plural of lobsterer.
LOBSTERER n. a person who catches lobsters.
MOBILISERSmobilisers n. Plural of mobiliser.
MOBILISER n. something that serves to mobilise, also MOBILIZER.
REBLOSSOMSreblossoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reblossom.
REBLOSSOM v. to blossom again.
SLOBBERERSslobberers n. Plural of slobberer.
SLOBBERER n. one who slobbers.
SLUMBEROUSslumberous adj. Sleepy, drowsy.
slumberous adj. Sleep-inducing.
SLUMBEROUS adj. inviting or causing slumber, also SLUMBERY, SLUMBROUS, SLUMBRY.
SUBFOLDERSsubfolders n. Plural of subfolder.
SUBFOLDER n. a subdivision of a folder.
SUBLESSORSsublessors n. Plural of sublessor.
sub-lessors n. Plural of sub-lessor.
SUBLESSOR n. a person who grants a sublease, a lease by a tenant or lessee to another person.
SUBSOILERSsubsoilers n. Plural of subsoiler.
SUBSOILER n. a plough for subsoiling.
SYMBOLISERsymboliser n. Alternative form of symbolizer.
SYMBOLISER n. one who symbolises, also SYMBOLIZER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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