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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, E, L, M, 2O and T

AUTOMOBILEautomobile n. (US, Canada) A type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended…
automobile v. (Intransitive, dated) To travel by automobile.
automobile adj. Self-moving; self-propelled.
BOLOMETERSbolometers n. Plural of bolometer.
BOLOMETER n. an instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light.
BOLOMETRICbolometric adj. Of or pertaining to bolometry.
bolometric adj. As measured using a bolometer.
BOLOMETRIC adj. relating to bolometry, measurement of radiant energy.
BOTTOMLESSbottomless adj. Having no bottom.
bottomless adj. Extremely deep.
bottomless adj. Having no bounds; limitless.
LOBOTOMIESlobotomies n. Plural of lobotomy.
LOBOTOMY n. a type of surgical operation.
LOBOTOMISElobotomise v. Alternative form of lobotomize.
LOBOTOMISE v. to carry out a lobotomy, also LOBOTOMIZE.
LOBOTOMIZElobotomize v. (Transitive) To perform a lobotomy upon.
lobotomize v. (Transitive, figurative) To remove the vitality or intelligence from.
LOBOTOMIZE v. to carry out a lobotomy, also LOBOTOMISE.
METABOLOMEmetabolome n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The complete set of metabolites found in a biological sample; especially that…
METABOLOME n. the quantitative complement of all the low molecular weight metabolites present in a particular physiological or developmental state.
MONOSTABLEmonostable adj. (Electronics) Having more than one state, only one of which is stable.
MONOSTABLE adj. of an electronic circuit, having only one stable state but able to pass into a second state in response to an input pulse.
OBSOLETISMobsoletism n. A disused word or phrase; an archaism.
OBSOLETISM n. a disused word or phrase; an archaism.
OUTBLOOMEDoutbloomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outbloom.
OUTBLOOM v. to surpass in blooming.
PHLEBOTOMYphlebotomy n. The opening of a vein, either to withdraw blood or for letting blood; venesection.
PHLEBOTOMY n. the surgical opening of a vein to draw blood.
PROMOTABLEpromotable adj. Able to be promoted; eligible for promotion.
PROMOTABLE adj. that can be promoted.
SMOOTHABLEsmoothable adj. That can be smoothed.
SMOOTHABLE adj. that can be smoothed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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