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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing B, E, I, L, N, O and U

BECLOUDINGbeclouding v. Present participle of becloud.
beclouding n. The process of becoming clouded or obscured.
BECLOUD v. to make dim, cloud.
BLUEPOINTSbluepoints n. Plural of bluepoint.
blue␣points n. Plural of blue point.
BLUEPOINT n. a small oyster typically from the south shore of Long Island.
BOULDERINGbouldering n. (Climbing) Climbing, without ropes, on large boulders or boulder-sized objects.
bouldering v. Present participle of boulder.
BOULDERING n. the practice of rock climbing on large boulders or small outcrops either as practice or as a sport in its own right.
COLUMBINEScolumbines n. Plural of columbine.
Columbines n. Plural of Columbine.
COLUMBINE n. a flower, aka aquilegia.
CONDUCIBLEconducible adj. Conducive; tending; contributing.
CONDUCIBLE adj. conducive; tending; contributing.
CONFUSIBLEconfusible adj. Alternative spelling of confusable.
CONFUSIBLE n. something liable to be confused.
EBULLITIONebullition n. The act of boiling.
ebullition n. A sudden emotional outburst.
EBULLITION n. the act, process or state of boiling or bubbling up; a sudden violent outburst or display.
EUGLOBULINeuglobulin n. (Biochemistry) A fraction of serum proteins obtained as a precipitate by adjusting salt levels and pH.
EUGLOBULIN n. a simple protein that does not dissolve in pure water.
INOCULABLEinoculable adj. Capable of being inoculated.
inoculable adj. Capable of transmitting disease, or of being transmitted, by inoculation.
INOCULABLE adj. capable of being inoculated.
INSOLUBLESinsolubles n. Plural of insoluble.
INSOLUBLE n. something insoluble.
NEBULOSITYnebulosity n. (Meteorology, astronomy) The characteristic of being nebulous; cloudiness (measured in octas).
NEBULOSITY n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOUSNESS.
OBNUBILATEobnubilate adj. (Obsolete) Covered or darkened as with a cloud; overclouded; obscured.
obnubilate v. (Obsolete) To obscure, to shadow.
obnubilate v. To make cloudy.
REDOUBLINGredoubling v. Present participle of redouble.
redoubling n. The act by which something is redoubled.
REDOUBLE v. to double.
UNBLOODIEDunbloodied adj. Not bloodied.
UNBLOODIED adj. not bloodied.
UNFORCIBLEunforcible adj. (Archaic) Without strength.
UNFORCIBLE adj. that cannot be forced.
UNPOSSIBLEunpossible adj. (Now rare, nonstandard, sometimes humorous) Impossible.
UNPOSSIBLE adj. impossible.
UNSOCIABLEunsociable adj. Not desiring the company of others.
unsociable adj. Not congenial or compatible.
unsociable adj. Unfriendly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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