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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, E, 2I, N and 2T

ABITURIENTabiturient n. Alternative form of Abiturient.
Abiturient n. A pupil / student in the German education system who is taking, or who has taken and passed, the Abitur.
ABITURIENT n. a pupil leaving school for university.
BEDSITTINGBEDSITTING adj. as in bedsitting room.
BELITTLINGbelittling v. Present participle of belittle.
belittling n. Belittlement.
BELITTLE v. to disparage.
BENTONITICbentonitic adj. Formed of, or containing, bentonite.
BENTONITIC adj. of or like bentonite.
BESPITTINGbespitting v. Present participle of bespit.
BESPIT v. to spit upon.
BITTERLINGbitterling n. Any of various species of small cyprinid fish in the genus Rhodeus.
bitterling n. Specifically Rhodeus amarus, formerly called Rhodeus sericeus.
BITTERLING n. a roach-like European fish.
BITUMINATEbituminate v. (Transitive) To treat or impregnate with bitumen.
BITUMINATE v. to treat or impregnate with bitumen.
BRETTICINGbretticing v. Present participle of brettice.
BRETTICE v. to provide with a brettice.
GIBBETTINGgibbetting v. (Britain) present participle of gibbet.
gibbetting n. The act by which somebody is gibbeted.
GIBBET v. to execute by hanging.
INTUITABLEintuitable adj. Capable of being intuitively sensed or understood.
INTUITABLE adj. that can be intuited.
NOBILITATEnobilitate v. (Obsolete) To make noble; to ennoble; to exalt.
NOBILITATE v. to ennoble.
TENABILITYtenability n. The property of being tenable.
TENABILITY n. the state of being tenable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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