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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, E, 2I, L, M and P

BEDIMPLINGbedimpling v. Present participle of bedimple.
BEDIMPLE v. to make a small impression in.
BEPIMPLINGBEPIMPLE v. to cover with pimples.
BIPEDALISMbipedalism n. The habit of standing and walking on two feet; the state of being bipedal.
BIPEDALISM n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
BLIMPERIESBLIMPERY n. pompous behaviour.
EPILOBIUMSepilobiums n. Plural of epilobium.
EPILOBIUM n. a genus of plants that includes willowherb.
IMPAIRABLEimpairable adj. Able to be impaired.
IMPAIRABLE adj. that can be impaired.
IMPARTIBLEimpartible adj. Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible.
impartible adj. Capable of being imparted or communicated; impartable.
IMPARTIBLE adj. of a field, that cannot be divided up.
IMPASSIBLEimpassible adj. (Chiefly theology) Unable to suffer, or feel pain.
impassible adj. Unable to feel emotion; impassive.
impassible adj. Incapable of suffering injury or detriment.
IMPOSSIBLEimpossible adj. Not possible; not able to be done or happen.
impossible adj. (Colloquial, of a person) Very difficult to deal with.
impossible adj. (Mathematics, dated) imaginary.
MILLIPROBEmilliprobe n. Any of various very small scientific probes, especially such a spectrometer.
MILLIPROBE n. an instrument for analysing small quantities, esp. a spectrometer.
PIMPMOBILEpimpmobile n. (Slang) An extravagantly large or ornate automobile, presumably suitable for a pimp.
PIMPMOBILE n. a car used by a pimp.
SEMIPUBLICsemipublic adj. Somewhat, but not entirely, public.
SEMIPUBLIC adj. partly public.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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