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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, 2E, L, P, R and T

BEPLASTERSbeplasters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beplaster.
BEPLASTER v. (archaic) to plaster thickly.
DEPORTABLEdeportable adj. Able to be deported.
deportable n. (Rare, sometimes offensive) Someone who is deportable.
DEPORTABLE adj. that can be deported.
EXPORTABLEexportable adj. Able to be exported.
exportable n. Something that can be exported.
EXPORTABLE adj. that can be exported.
EXTIRPABLEextirpable adj. Capable of being extirpated or eradicated.
EXTIRPABLE adj. capable of being extirpated or eradicated; as, an extirpable plant.
PALPEBRATEpalpebrate adj. (Zoology) Having eyelids.
PALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PENETRABLEpenetrable adj. Capable of being penetrated, entered, or pierced. Also figuratively.
PENETRABLE adj. that can be penetrated.
PENETRABLYpenetrably adv. In a penetrable way.
PENETRABLE adv. that can be penetrated.
PERMUTABLEpermutable adj. Able to be permuted.
PERMUTABLE adj. that can be permuted.
PUBERULENTpuberulent adj. Covered in soft, downy hairs.
PUBERULENT adj. feebly or minutely pubescent; covered with minute down, also PUBERULOUS.
RECEPTIBLEreceptible adj. Receivable.
RECEPTIBLE adj. such as may be received.
REPEATABLErepeatable adj. Able to be repeated.
repeatable adj. (Sciences, of an experiment or procedure) That gives the same results when repeated.
REPEATABLE adj. that can be repeated.
REPORTABLEreportable adj. (Of a disease etc) That must be reported to the proper authorities; notifiable.
reportable adj. Capable of being reported on.
reportable adj. Worth reporting on; constituting news.
TEMPERABLEtemperable adj. Capable of being tempered.
TEMPERABLE adj. capable of being tempered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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