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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, 2E, I, L, N and O

BELLIBONESbellibones n. Plural of bellibone.
BELLIBONE n. (Spenser) a woman excelling both in beauty and goodness, also BONIBELL, BONNIBELL.
BENZOLINESbenzolines n. Plural of benzoline.
BENZOLINE n. impure benzene.
BILESTONESbilestones n. Plural of bilestone.
BILESTONE n. a gallstone.
BORDERLINEborderline adj. Nearly; not clearly on one side or the other of a border or boundary, ambiguous.
borderline adj. Showing bad taste.
borderline adj. Exhibiting borderline personality disorder.
DISENNOBLEdisennoble v. (Transitive) To deprive of what ennobles; to degrade.
DISENNOBLE v. to deprive of that which ennobles; to degrade.
EMBOWELINGemboweling v. Present participle of embowel.
emboweling n. An act of disembowelment.
EMBOWEL v. to remove the entrails of, also DISEMBOWEL.
GOBBELINESGOBBELINE n. (Spenser) a goblin.
IMBOLDENEDimboldened v. Simple past tense and past participle of imbolden.
IMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also EMBOLDEN.
INEXORABLEinexorable adj. Impossible to prevent or stop; inevitable.
inexorable adj. Unable to be persuaded; relentless; unrelenting.
inexorable adj. Adamant; severe.
INOPERABLEinoperable adj. (Surgery) Incapable of being successfully operated on.
inoperable adj. Incapable of operation or function; inoperative.
INOPERABLE adj. that cannot be operated upon.
NEGOTIABLEnegotiable adj. (Of an obstacle, route etc) Able to be traversed; navigable.
negotiable adj. (Law, finance) Able to be transferred to another person, with or without endorsement, in exchange for money.
negotiable adj. Open to negotiation or bargaining.
NEOLIBERALneoliberal adj. In accordance with, or subscribing to, neoliberalism.
neoliberal n. A person who subscribes to neoliberalism.
neo-liberal adj. Alternative form of neoliberal.
NOBILESSESNOBILESSE n. (Spenser) nobility, nobleness, also NOBLESSE.
NONBELIEFSnonbeliefs n. Plural of nonbelief.
NONBELIEF n. absence of belief.
NONEDIBLESnonedibles n. Plural of nonedible.
NONEDIBLE n. something not edible.
NOTICEABLEnoticeable adj. Capable of being seen or noticed.
noticeable adj. Worthy of note; significant.
NOTICEABLE adj. that can be noticed.
OBEDIENTLYobediently adv. In an obedient manner.
OBEDIENT adv. obeying or willing to obey.
OBLIGEMENTobligement n. Obligation.
obligement n. (Ulster) favour.
OBLIGEMENT n. (Scots) a helpful action, a favour.
OSTENSIBLEostensible adj. Apparent, evident; meant for open display.
ostensible adj. Appearing as such; being such in appearance; professed, supposed (rather than demonstrably true or real).
OSTENSIBLE adj. intended for display, plausible rather than demonstrably true or real.
REBELLIONSrebellions n. Plural of rebellion.
REBELLION n. the act of rebelling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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