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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, 2E, 2I, L and T

BESTIALISEbestialise v. Alternative form of bestialize.
BESTIALISE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALIZE.
BESTIALIZEbestialize v. To make like a beast.
bestialize v. To bring or reduce to the state or condition of a beast.
BESTIALIZE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALISE.
BISSEXTILEbissextile adj. Having an intercalary day, particularly the quadrennial leap day of the Julian and Gregorian calendars…
bissextile n. Synonym of leap year: a year with an intercalary day.
BISSEXTILE n. the extra day in the leap year.
BLISTERIERBLISTERY adj. having blisters.
DEBILITATEdebilitate v. (Transitive) To make feeble; to weaken.
DEBILITATE v. to make weak.
DEBILITIESdebilities n. Plural of debility.
DEBILITY n. weakness.
DIGESTIBLEdigestible adj. Capable of being digested.
DIGESTIBLE adj. that can be digested.
DIVERTIBLEdivertible adj. Alternative form of divertable.
DIVERTIBLE adj. capable of being diverted.
DIVESTIBLEdivestible adj. Capable of being divested.
DIVESTIBLE adj. capable of being divested.
ELICITABLEelicitable adj. That may be elicited.
ELICITABLE adj. that can be elicited.
INEVITABLEinevitable adj. Impossible to avoid or prevent.
inevitable adj. Predictable or always happening.
inevitable n. Something that is predictable, necessary, or cannot be avoided.
INGESTIBLEingestible adj. Capable of being ingested.
ingestible n. Any substance that can be ingested.
INGESTIBLE adj. that can be ingested.
INVENTIBLEinventible adj. Capable of being invented.
INVENTIBLE adj. that can be invented, also INVENTABLE.
INVERTIBLEinvertible adj. Capable of being inverted or turned.
invertible adj. (Mathematics, especially of a function or matrix) Able to be inverted, having an inverse.
invertible adj. (Chemistry) Capable of being changed or converted.
INVESTIBLEinvestible adj. That can be invested.
INVESTIBLE adj. capable of being invested, also INVESTABLE.
KIMBERLITEkimberlite n. (Geology) A variety of peridotite containing a high proportion of carbon dioxide; often contains diamonds.
KIMBERLITE n. a mica-peridotite, an intrusive igneous rock, in which the Kimberley diamonds were found.
LIBERTINESlibertines n. Plural of libertine.
LIBERTINE n. a person who leads a licentious life, a rake.
PLEBISCITEplebiscite n. A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty.
PLEBISCITE n. a direct vote of the whole nation or of the people of a district on a special point.
RESISTIBLEresistible adj. Able to be resisted.
RESISTIBLE adj. that can be resisted.
TIMBERLINEtimberline n. The height or limit beyond which trees do not grow in mountainous or Arctic regions.
timber␣line n. Alternative spelling of timberline.
TIMBERLINE n. the upper limit of timber trees on a mountain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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