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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing B, D, 2I, L, S and T

BLINDSIGHTblindsight n. The responsivity shown by some blind or partially blind people to visual stimuli of which they are not…
BLINDSIGHT n. the ability to respond to visual stimuli without having any conscious visual experience; it can occur after some forms of brain damage.
BUIRDLIESTbuirdliest adj. Superlative form of buirdly: most buirdly.
BUIRDLY adj. (Scots) stalwart; large and well made.
DEBILITIESdebilities n. Plural of debility.
DEBILITY n. weakness.
DIABOLISTSdiabolists n. Plural of diabolist.
DIABOLIST n. one who practises diabolism.
DIGESTIBLEdigestible adj. Capable of being digested.
DIGESTIBLE adj. that can be digested.
DIGESTIBLYdigestibly adv. In a digestible manner; so as to be digested easily.
DIGESTIBLE adv. that can be digested.
DISABILITYdisability n. State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual…
disability n. A mental condition causing a difficulty with an intellectual task.
disability n. (Disability theory) An inability imposed on a person by society’s failure to accommodate their physical…
DISABLISTSdisablists n. Plural of disablist.
DISABLIST n. one who discriminates against the disabled.
DIVESTIBLEdivestible adj. Capable of being divested.
DIVESTIBLE adj. capable of being divested.
DRIBBLIESTdribbliest adj. Superlative form of dribbly: most dribbly.
DRIBBLY adj. given to dribbling.
IDIOBLASTSidioblasts n. Plural of idioblast.
IDIOBLAST n. a plant cell that differs from neighbouring cells in the same tissue.
LIBIDINISTlibidinist n. (Rare) A lecher or oversexed person.
LIBIDINIST n. a lewd person.
STABILISEDstabilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of stabilise.
STABILISE v. to make stable, also STABILIZE.
STABILIZEDstabilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of stabilize.
STABILIZE v. to make stable, also STABILISE.
STILTBIRDSstiltbirds n. Plural of stiltbird.
STILTBIRD n. a long-legged wading bird related to the avocet.
STROBILOIDstrobiloid adj. Resembling a strobile.
STROBILOID adj. like a strobile, a scaly multiple fruit resulting from the ripening of an ament in certain plants.
SUBTILISEDsubtilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of subtilise.
SUBTILISE v. to make subtle; now esp. to argue subtly on, also SUBTILIZE.
SUBTILIZEDsubtilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of subtilize.
SUBTILIZE v. to make subtle; now esp. to argue subtly on, also SUBTILISE.
TABLOIDISMtabloidism n. The practices of tabloid journalism; gaudy sensationalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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