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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing B, D, 2I, L, N and R

BEGIRDLINGbegirdling v. Present participle of begirdle.
BEGIRDLE v. to surround as with a girdle.
BILIVERDINbiliverdin n. (Biochemistry) A green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment, a product of heme catabolism, responsible for the…
BILIVERDIN n. a green pigment present in the bile.
BIRDLIMINGbirdliming v. Present participle of birdlime.
BIRDLIME v. to smear or catch (as) with birdlime.
BRAINCHILDbrainchild n. A creation, original idea, or innovation, usually used to indicate the originators.
brainchild v. (Transitive, rare) To think up; to come up with.
BRAINCHILD n. a product of one's creative imagination.
DRIBBLINGSdribblings n. Plural of dribbling.
DRIBBLING n. the act of propelling a football with repeated small taps.
INCREDIBLEincredible adj. (Literally) Too implausible to be credible; beyond belief; unbelievable.
incredible adj. (Figurative) Amazing; astonishing; awe-inspiring.
incredible adj. (Figurative) Marvellous; profoundly affecting; wonderful.
INCREDIBLYincredibly adv. (Manner) In an incredible manner; not to be believed.
incredibly adv. (Degree) To a great extent; extremely.
incredibly adv. Used to note the surprising or hard-to-believe nature of what is being said and suggest that it is nevertheless true.
REBUILDINGrebuilding v. Present participle of rebuild.
rebuilding n. The act of building something again.
REBUILDING n. the act of building again.
UNBRIDLINGunbridling v. Present participle of unbridle.
UNBRIDLE v. to set loose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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