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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, D, E, O, 2R and U

BODYSURFERbodysurfer n. One who bodysurfs.
BODYSURFER n. one who bodysurfs.
BORDEREAUXbordereaux n. Plural of bordereau.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
BOULDERERSboulderers n. Plural of boulderer.
BOULDERER n. someone who climbs boulders.
BOULDERIERBOULDERY adj. of a landscape, characterized by boulders.
BURLADEROSburladeros n. Plural of burladero.
BURLADERO n. (Spanish) the wooden barrier in a bullring used for protection.
CLOUDBERRYcloudberry n. A species of slow-growing bramble, Rubus chamaemorus.
cloudberry n. The fruit of these plants.
CLOUDBERRY n. a low plant of North America and North Europe, related to the bramble, with an orange-red sweet-flavoured berry known as bakeapple.
COLOURBREDcolourbred v. Simple past tense and past participle of colourbreed.
COLOURBREED v. to breed (animals or plants) to be a particular colour, also COLORBREED.
DOORBUSTERdoorbuster n. An unusually low sale price, typically offered by a retailer on a limited number of items for a limited…
DRUMBLEDORDRUMBLEDOR n. a large flying beetle, also DUMBLEDORE.
OVERBURDENoverburden v. To overload or overtax.
overburden n. (Geology) The rock and subsoil that lies above a mineral deposit such as a coal seam.
overburden n. (Archaeology) A sterile stratum that lies above the stratum being investigated.
OVERBURNEDoverburned v. Simple past tense and past participle of overburn.
OVERBURN v. to burn too much; to be overzealous.
REBOUNDERSrebounders n. Plural of rebounder.
REBOUNDER n. a basketball player who is good at catching the ball as it rebounds from the backboard.
REDOUBLERSREDOUBLER n. one who redoubles.
SUPERBOARDsuperboard n. A consolidated governing board set up in place of several lesser boards.
SUPERBOARD n. a board above other boards.
UNBORROWEDunborrowed adj. Not borrowed.
UNBORROWED adj. not borrowed.
UNBURROWEDunburrowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unburrow.
UNBURROW v. to bring out of a burrow.
UNDERBORNEunderborne v. Past participle of underbear.
UNDERBEAR v. (obsolete) to support; to endure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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