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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, D, E, I, N and 2R

BEFRIENDERbefriender n. One who befriends.
BEFRIENDER n. one who befriends others.
BORDERLINEborderline adj. Nearly; not clearly on one side or the other of a border or boundary, ambiguous.
borderline adj. Showing bad taste.
borderline adj. Exhibiting borderline personality disorder.
BRANDERINGbrandering v. Present participle of brander.
BRANDER v. to cook on a gridiron.
BRANDISHERbrandisher n. One who brandishes.
BRANDISHER n. one who brandishes.
BROIDERINGbroidering v. Present participle of broider.
broidering n. (Archaic) embroidering.
BROIDERING n. embroidery.
FIREBRANDSfirebrands n. Plural of firebrand.
FIREBRAND n. a flaming stick; a hot-tempered person.
INBREEDERSinbreeders n. Plural of inbreeder.
INBREEDER n. one who inbreeds.
INTERBREEDinterbreed v. To breed or reproduce within an isolated community.
interbreed v. To breed or reproduce within a heterogenous community, the products of which produce hybrids.
INTERBREED v. to breed together esp. of different races.
LINERBOARDLINERBOARD n. a thin paperboard used for the flat facings of corrugated containerboard.
REBOARDINGreboarding v. Present participle of reboard.
reboarding n. The act of boarding a vehicle or vessel again.
REBOARD v. to board again.
REBRANDINGrebranding v. Present participle of rebrand.
rebranding n. The association of a new brand, trademark, image, or appearance with a product or service.
REBRANDING n. the act of assigning a new brand.
REBREEDINGrebreeding v. Present participle of rebreed.
REBREED v. to breed again.
RINGBARKEDringbarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of ringbark.
ring-barked v. Simple past tense and past participle of ring-bark.
RINGBARK v. to strip a ring of bark from a tree.
UNDERBRIMSunderbrims n. Plural of underbrim.
UNDERBRIM n. a facing on the underside of a hat brim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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