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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, D, E, I, L, N and T

ALABANDITEalabandite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of manganese sulfide, MnS, sometimes found in meteorites.
ALABANDITE n. a cubic mineral, magnesium sulphide.
BULLETINEDbulletined v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulletin.
BULLETIN v. to make known by or describe in a bulletin.
DEALBATIONdealbation n. (Chemistry, archaic) The process or act of becoming or being made white, most commonly by bleaching; whitening.
DEALBATION n. whitening; bleaching.
DEBATINGLYdebatingly adv. In the manner of a debate.
DELIBATINGdelibating v. Present participle of delibate.
DELIBATE v. (obsolete) to sip.
DELIBATIONdelibation n. (Obsolete) Act of tasting; a slight trial.
DELIBATION n. the act of tasting; a slight trial.
DETAINABLEdetainable adj. Capable of being detained.
DETAINABLE adj. that can be detained.
EXTENDIBLEextendible adj. (Law) Liable to be taken by a writ of extent.
extendible adj. Alternative spelling of extendable.
INDICTABLEindictable adj. (Of an act) Subjecting one to an indictment.
indictable adj. (Of a person) Able or deserving to be indicted.
INDICTABLE adj. that can be indicted.
INTERBLENDinterblend v. (Transitive) To blend or mingle so as to form a union.
INTERBLEND v. to blend together.
OBEDIENTLYobediently adv. In an obedient manner.
OBEDIENT adv. obeying or willing to obey.
TIMBERLANDtimberland n. Forested land thought of in terms of its potential and value as timber.
TIMBERLAND n. (US) land covered with trees used for timber.
TUNBELLIEDTUNBELLIED adj. having a tunbelly, a potbelly.
UNDERBUILTunderbuilt v. Simple past tense and past participle of underbuild.
UNDERBUILD v. to build under in support; to build too little.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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