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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, D, E, I, L, M and O

BIOMEDICALbiomedical adj. Of or pertaining to biomedicine.
biomedical n. A product of the biomedicine industry.
BIOMEDICAL adj. relating to both biology and medicine.
BOMBILATEDbombilated v. Simple past tense and past participle of bombilate.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
BOWDLERISMbowdlerism n. A policy of bowdlerization, or censorship by removing what is considered indecent.
BOWDLERISM n. the censoring of a literary text.
BROMELIADSbromeliads n. Plural of bromeliad.
BROMELIAD n. any plant of the genus Bromelia, that includes pineapples, also BROMELIA.
DEMOBILISEdemobilise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of demobilize.
DEMOBILISE v. to disband e.g. soldiers, also DEMOBILIZE.
DEMOBILIZEdemobilize v. To release someone from military duty, especially after a war.
demobilize v. To disband troops, or remove them from a war footing.
DEMOBILIZE v. to disband e.g. soldiers, also DEMOBILISE.
DISEMBOWELdisembowel v. (Transitive) To take or let out the bowels or interior parts of; to eviscerate.
disembowel v. (Transitive) To take or draw from the body, as the web of a spider.
DISEMBOWEL v. to take out the bowels of.
DISEMBROILdisembroil v. To free or extricate from confusion.
DISEMBROIL v. to disentangle; to free from perplexity.
DISSELBOOMdisselboom n. One of the poles supporting a wagon.
DISSELBOOM n. (South African) the single shaft of an ox-wagon or other cart.
FORMIDABLEformidable adj. Causing fear, dread, awe, or discouragement as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive…
formidable adj. Difficult to defeat or overcome.
FORMIDABLE adj. causing fear.
IMBOLDENEDimboldened v. Simple past tense and past participle of imbolden.
IMBOLDEN v. to instil with courage, also EMBOLDEN.
MIDDLEBROWmiddlebrow adj. (Derogatory) Neither highbrow or lowbrow, but somewhere in between.
middlebrow n. A person or thing that is neither highbrow nor lowbrow, but in between.
MIDDLEBROW n. a person who is moderately but not highly cultivated.
MINDBLOWERmindblower n. (Slang) Anything mind-blowing.
MINDBLOWER n. something that blows the mind.
MODIFIABLEmodifiable adj. Capable of being modified; subject to modification.
MODIFIABLE adj. that can be modified.
MULTILOBEDmultilobed adj. Having more than one lobe.
MULTILOBED adj. having many lobes.
OUTCLIMBEDoutclimbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outclimb.
OUTCLIMB v. to surpass in climbing.
SKIMOBILEDSKIMOBILE v. to travel by skimobile.
SYMBOLISEDsymbolised v. Simple past tense and past participle of symbolise.
SYMBOLISE v. to be symbolic of, also SYMBOLIZE.
SYMBOLIZEDsymbolized v. Simple past tense and past participle of symbolize.
SYMBOLIZE v. to be symbolic of, also SYMBOLISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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