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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, D, E, H, I, O and R

BICHLORIDEbichloride n. (Chemistry) A dichloride.
BICHLORIDE n. a compound in which two atoms of chlorine are combined with another atom or group, also DICHLORIDE.
BIOGRAPHEDbiographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of biograph.
BIOGRAPH v. to write a biography of.
BIRDHOUSESbirdhouses n. Plural of birdhouse.
BIRDHOUSE n. a nesting-box; an aviary.
BOUNDERISHbounderish adj. Pertaining to or having the characteristics of a bounder; loutish; boorish.
BOUNDERISH adj. like a bounder, caddish.
HARBORSIDEharborside n. An area (especially a residential area) near a harbor (often in the form of converted warehouses etc).
harborside adj. Located on or near a harbor.
HARBORSIDE adj. (US) located next to a harbor, also HARBOURSIDE.
HARDBODIEShardbodies n. Plural of hardbody.
HARDBODY n. an attractive person with a muscular body.
HERBORISEDherborised v. Simple past tense and past participle of herborise.
HERBORISE v. to search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them, also HERBORIZE.
HERBORIZEDherborized v. Simple past tense and past participle of herborize.
HERBORIZE v. to search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them, also HERBORISE.
HIGHBROWEDhighbrowed adj. (Of a person) highbrow; intellectual and cultured.
HIGHBROWED adj. being of a highbrow disposition.
NEIGHBOREDneighbored v. Simple past tense and past participle of neighbor.
NEIGHBOR v. to live close by, border on, also NEIGHBOUR.
PROHIBITEDprohibited adj. Forbidden; unallowed.
prohibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
RHOMBOIDEIrhomboidei n. Plural of rhomboideus.
RHOMBOIDEUS n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDES.
RHOMBOIDESrhomboides n. (Obsolete) A rhomboid.
RHOMBOIDES n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDEUS.
SHOREBIRDSshorebirds n. Plural of shorebird.
shore␣birds n. Plural of shore bird.
SHOREBIRD n. any of various birds that live on the shore or close to water.
WEIGHBOARDweighboard n. (Geology, mining) Alternative form of wayboard.
weighboard n. A board used for weighing.
WEIGHBOARD n. a thin geological seam separating larger strata, also WAYBOARD.
WHITEBOARDwhiteboard n. A writing board finished with a hard white material, which can be written upon using special non-permanent…
whiteboard n. (By extension, computing) A collaborative tool allowing several users to write and draw on the same shared display.
WHITEBOARD n. a board, used for teaching or presentation purposes, similar to a blackboard but with a white plastic surface for writing on using felt-tipped pens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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