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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing B, D, 2E, 2I and S

BADINERIESbadineries n. Plural of badinerie.
BADINERIE n. (French) a name given in the 18th century to a type of quick, light movement in a suite.
BENZIDINESbenzidines n. Plural of benzidine.
BENZIDINE n. a base used in preparing azo-dyes, also BENZIDIN.
BIODIESELSbiodiesels n. Plural of biodiesel.
BIODIESEL n. a biofuel for use in diesel engines.
BIODIVERSEbiodiverse adj. Biotically diverse; having a high degree of biodiversity.
BIODIVERSE adj. of an environment, having many different kinds of plants and animals.
BRIDLEWISEbridlewise adj. (Of a horse) Responsive to the bridle.
BRIDLEWISE adj. of a horse, obedient to the pressure of the reins on the neck rather than to the bit.
BROIDERIESbroideries n. Plural of broidery.
BROIDERY n. the act of broidering.
DEBILITIESdebilities n. Plural of debility.
DEBILITY n. weakness.
DEMOBILISEdemobilise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of demobilize.
DEMOBILISE v. to disband e.g. soldiers, also DEMOBILIZE.
DIABLERIESdiableries n. Plural of diablerie.
DIABLERY n. black magic; sorcery, also DIABLERIE.
DIGESTIBLEdigestible adj. Capable of being digested.
DIGESTIBLE adj. that can be digested.
DISBELIEFSdisbeliefs n. Plural of disbelief.
DISBELIEF n. lack of belief.
DISBELIEVEdisbelieve v. To not believe; to exercise disbelief.
disbelieve v. To actively deny (a statement, opinion or perception).
disbelieve v. To cease to believe.
DISBENEFITdisbenefit n. A drawback or disadvantage.
DISBENEFIT n. a drawback, loss, inconvenience.
DIVESTIBLEdivestible adj. Capable of being divested.
DIVESTIBLE adj. capable of being divested.
HERBICIDESherbicides n. Plural of herbicide.
HERBICIDE n. a weedkiller.
HIBERNISEDhibernised v. Simple past tense and past participle of hibernise.
VERBICIDESverbicides n. Plural of verbicide.
VERBICIDE n. destruction of the meaning of a word.
WIDEBODIESwidebodies n. Plural of widebody.
wide-bodies n. Plural of wide-body.
WIDEBODY n. an aircraft with a wide body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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