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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2I, R, S and T

ACERBITIESacerbities n. Plural of acerbity.
ACERBITY n. sourness.
AEROBICISTAEROBICIST n. one who practises aerobics.
BARIATRICSbariatrics n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine dealing with obesity and weight problems.
BARIATRICS n. the medical treatment of obesity.
BIOMETRICSbiometrics n. The automated measurement of biological data.
biometrics n. The automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics.
BIOMETRICS n. the study of biological measurement.
BISCUITIERBISCUITY adj. like a biscuit in texture.
BITCHERIESbitcheries n. Plural of bitchery.
BITCHERY n. ill-tempered, malicious behaviour.
BRONCHITISbronchitis n. (Uncountable) An inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs, that causes the cilia of the bronchial epithelial…
bronchitis n. (Countable) An occurrence of, a case (patient) of, or a type of bronchitis.
BRONCHITIS n. inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
CEREBRITIScerebritis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the cerebrum.
CEREBRITIS n. inflammation of the cerebrum.
IMBRICATESimbricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imbricate.
IMBRICATE v. to lay overlapping one another.
PREBIOTICSprebiotics n. Plural of prebiotic.
PREBIOTIC n. a natural substances in some foods that encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
PROBIOTICSprobiotics n. Plural of probiotic.
PROBIOTIC n. a harmless bacterium that helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria.
ROBOTICISTroboticist n. One who conceptualizes, designs, builds, programs, and experiments with robots.
SCABRIDITYscabridity n. The quality of being scabrid.
SCABRIDITY n. (archaic) the state of being scabrid, scabrous.
STRABISMICstrabismic adj. Afflicted with, or pertaining to, strabismus.
strabismic n. A person who has strabismus.
STRABISMIC adj. of or like a strabismus, a squint, also STRABISMAL, STRABISMICAL.
SUBCIRCUITsubcircuit n. A distinct part of an electrical or other circuit.
subcircuit n. (Mathematics) A subset of a circuit.
SUBCIRCUIT n. a part of a circuit.
URBANISTICurbanistic adj. Relating to an urbanist.
URBANISTIC adj. relating to the planning and development of towns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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