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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2I, 2O and T

AEROBIOTICaerobiotic adj. Of or pertaining to aerobiosis.
AEROBIOTIC adj. related to, or of the nature of, aerobes; as, aerobiotic plants, which live only when supplied with free oxygen.
BILOCATIONbilocation n. (Forteana) The ability to be, or fact of being, in two places at once.
BILOCATION n. the ability to be in two places at once.
BIOCENOTICbiocenotic adj. Relating to a biocenosis.
BIOCENOTIC adj. relating to a biocenosis, a state of association of creatures in a certain region, also BIOCOENOTIC.
COENOBITICcoenobitic adj. Alternative form of cenobitic.
cœnobitic adj. Obsolete spelling of cenobitic.
COENOBITIC adj. of or like a coenobite, also CENOBITIC, CENOBITICAL.
COHIBITIONcohibition n. (Obsolete) hindrance; restraint.
COHIBITION n. hindrance; restraint.
ENDOBIOTICendobiotic adj. (Of a parasite or symbiont) living within the tissues of a host.
endobiotic adj. (Medicine) Originating within an organ or biological system.
endobiotic n. (Medicine) An endogenous substance that influences the functioning of an organ or biological process.
HALOBIOTIChalobiotic adj. (Ecology) That lives in the sea or salt water.
HALOBIOTIC adj. living in the sea, also HALOBIONTIC.
MICROBIOTAmicrobiota n. The microbial community that inhabits a multi-cellular organism, whether the entire organism or a specific…
Microbiota prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cupressaceae – an evergreen shrub from eastern Russia.
MICROBIOTA n. the smallest soil organisms collectively.
PROBIOTICSprobiotics n. Plural of probiotic.
PROBIOTIC n. a harmless bacterium that helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria.
ROBOTICISTroboticist n. One who conceptualizes, designs, builds, programs, and experiments with robots.
XENOBIOTICxenobiotic adj. Of or pertaining to xenobiosis.
xenobiotic adj. (Biology) Relating to a substance foreign to the body or ecological system.
xenobiotic n. (Biology) Any foreign compound not produced by an organism’s metabolism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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