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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, L, M, S and U

AMBULANCESambulances n. Plural of ambulance.
ambulances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ambulance.
AMBULANCE n. a vehicle for conveying sick people.
BECLAMOURSbeclamours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beclamour.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
CALEMBOURScalembours n. Plural of calembour.
CALEMBOUR n. (French) a pun.
CLUBMASTERclubmaster n. (Dated) The proprietor of a social club.
CLUBMASTER n. the manager of a club.
CLUBMOSSESclubmosses n. Plural of clubmoss.
club-mosses n. Plural of club-moss.
club␣mosses n. Plural of club moss.
COLUMBATEScolumbates n. Plural of columbate.
COLUMBATE n. a salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COLUMBINEScolumbines n. Plural of columbine.
Columbines n. Plural of Columbine.
COLUMBINE n. a flower, aka aquilegia.
COLUMBITEScolumbites n. Plural of columbite.
COLUMBITE n. a mineral, niobate and tantalate of iron and manganese, aka niobite.
CONSUMABLEconsumable adj. That is consumed or depleted upon use.
consumable adj. That may be eaten.
consumable n. A material or product that is produced for consumption.
CRUMBLIESTcrumbliest adj. Superlative form of crumbly: most crumbly.
CRUMBLY adj. easily crumbed.
CUMBERLESScumberless adj. Unencumbered.
CUMBERLESS adj. unencumbered.
CUSTOMABLEcustomable adj. (Obsolete) customary.
customable adj. (Obsolete) Subject to the payment of customs; dutiable.
CUSTOMABLE adj. (archaic) customary, common.
MUNCHABLESmunchables n. Plural of munchable.
MUNCHABLE n. a tasty item of food.
SEMIPUBLICsemipublic adj. Somewhat, but not entirely, public.
SEMIPUBLIC adj. partly public.
UNSCRAMBLEunscramble v. (Transitive) To reverse the process of scrambling, decrypt.
unscramble v. (Transitive) To put into order or restore to order.
UNSCRAMBLE v. to separate (as a conglomeration or tangle) into original components.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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