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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, I, M, O and S

BIOCHEMISTbiochemist n. A chemist whose speciality is biochemistry.
BIOCHEMIST n. a chemist specialising in the chemistry of living things.
BIOMETRICSbiometrics n. The automated measurement of biological data.
biometrics n. The automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and biological characteristics.
BIOMETRICS n. the study of biological measurement.
BLEOMYCINSbleomycins n. Plural of bleomycin.
BLEOMYCIN n. a glycopeptide antibiotic drug used in the treatment of cancer and Hodgkins Disease.
CHEMISORBSchemisorbs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chemisorb.
CHEMISORB v. to adsorb by chemical action, also CHEMOSORB.
COEMBODIESCOEMBODY v. to embody jointly.
COLUMBINEScolumbines n. Plural of columbine.
Columbines n. Plural of Columbine.
COLUMBINE n. a flower, aka aquilegia.
COLUMBITEScolumbites n. Plural of columbite.
COLUMBITE n. a mineral, niobate and tantalate of iron and manganese, aka niobite.
COMBUSTIVEcombustive adj. Of, pertaining to, caused by, or partaking in combustion.
COMBUSTIVE adj. capable of catching fire.
COMBUSTIVE n. something capable of catching fire.
COMESTIBLEcomestible adj. Suitable to be eaten; edible.
comestible n. (Chiefly in the plural) Anything that can be eaten; food.
COMESTIBLE adj. edible.
EMBOLISMICembolismic adj. Relating to embolism or intercalation.
EMBOLISMIC adj. pertaining to an embolism, the presence of one or more obstructing blood-clots in a blood vessel, also EMBOLIC.
EXCAMBIONSexcambions n. Plural of excambion.
EXCAMBION n. in Scots law, exchange of lands, also EXCAMBIUM.
MICROBEADSmicrobeads n. Plural of microbead.
MICROBEAD n. a very small plastic particle, numbers of which are used as exfoliating agents in cosmetics.
MICROBEAMSmicrobeams n. Plural of microbeam.
MICROBEAM n. a beam of radiation of small cross-section.
MICROBREWSmicrobrews n. Plural of microbrew.
MICROBREW n. a beer produced by a microbrewery.
MICROBUSESmicrobuses n. Plural of microbus.
MICROBUS n. a small bus.
MICROTUBESmicrotubes n. Plural of microtube.
MICROTUBE n. a minute tube.
MISBECOMESmisbecomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbecome.
MISBECOME v. (archaic) to be unbecoming to.
RECOMBINESrecombines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recombine.
RECOMBINE v. to combine again.
UNCOMBINESuncombines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncombine.
UNCOMBINE v. (Dickens) to separate.
WHITECOMBSWHITECOMB n. a fungal disease affecting the combs of certain fowls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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