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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, C, E, I, L, N and T

ACTIONABLEactionable adj. That can be acted on; that can be used as the basis for taking action.
actionable adj. (Law) Affording grounds for legal action.
ACTIONABLE adj. that can be actioned.
BALECTIONSbalections n. Plural of balection.
BALECTION n. a moulding around a panel, projecting beyond the surface of the framing, also BILECTION, BOLECTION.
BECLOTHINGbeclothing v. Present participle of beclothe.
BECLOTHE v. to put clothes on.
BILECTIONSbilections n. Plural of bilection.
BILECTION n. a moulding around a panel, projecting beyond the surface of the framing, also BALECTION, BOLECTION.
BINUCLEATEbinucleate adj. (Biology) having two nuclei.
binucleate n. A cell that has two nuclei.
BINUCLEATE adj. having two nuclei; as, binucleate cells, also BINUCLEATED.
BLATANCIESblatancies n. Plural of blatancy.
BLATANCY n. something blatant.
BOLECTIONSbolections n. Plural of bolection.
BOLECTION n. a moulding around a panel, projecting beyond the surface of the framing, also BALECTION, BILECTION.
CANTABILEScantabiles n. Plural of cantabile.
CANTABILE n. a cantabile passage.
COBALTINEScobaltines n. Plural of cobaltine.
COBALTINE n. a mineral of a nearly silver-white color, composed of arsenic, sulphur, and cobalt, also COBALTITE.
ENTICEABLEenticeable adj. Capable of being enticed.
ENTICEABLE adj. capable of being enticed.
INDICTABLEindictable adj. (Of an act) Subjecting one to an indictment.
indictable adj. (Of a person) Able or deserving to be indicted.
INDICTABLE adj. that can be indicted.
INJECTABLEinjectable adj. (Pharmacy) Capable of being (or designed to be) injected.
injectable n. (Pharmacy, cosmetics, pharmacology) A liquid, such as a medicine or a Botox solution, which is injected…
INJECTABLE adj. capable of being administered by injection.
NOTICEABLEnoticeable adj. Capable of being seen or noticed.
noticeable adj. Worthy of note; significant.
NOTICEABLE adj. that can be noticed.
NOTICEABLYnoticeably adv. (Manner) In a noticeable way.
noticeably adv. (Degree) To a detectable degree, sufficient to be noticed.
noticeably adv. (Modal) In truth and observably.
TUBERCULINtuberculin n. An antigen used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
TUBERCULIN n. a fluid containing the products formed by the growth of the tubercle bacillus in a suitable culture medium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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