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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2E, N, S and T

ABDUCENTESabducentes n. Plural of abducens.
ABDUCENS n. (Latin) a cranial nerve.
ABJECTNESSabjectness n. The state of being abject; abasement; meanness; servility.
ABJECTNESS n. the state of being abject.
ABSTINENCEabstinence n. The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite.
abstinence n. The practice of self-denial; self-restraint; forebearance from anything.
abstinence n. (Obsolete) Self-denial; abstaining; or forebearance of anything.
BENEDICTUSBenedictus n. (Western Christianity) The Gospel canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68–79), with the incipit Benedictus…
Benedictus n. (Western Christianity) The second part of the Sanctus, beginning, Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini…
Benedictus n. (Music) The music that accompanies either of the above.
CELEBRANTScelebrants n. Plural of celebrant.
CELEBRANT n. a person who celebrates; the principal person officiating at a rite or ceremony.
COENOBITEScoenobites n. Plural of coenobite.
cœnobites n. Plural of cœnobite.
COENOBITE n. a monk who lives in a community, also CENOBITE.
CYBERNATEScybernates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cybernate.
CYBERNATE v. to control by means of a computer.
ERUBESCENTerubescent adj. Red or reddish; blushing.
ERUBESCENT adj. growing red; blushing.
JOBCENTRESjobcentres n. Plural of jobcentre.
Jobcentres n. Plural of Jobcentre.
job␣centres n. Plural of job centre.
STEENBUCKSsteenbucks n. Plural of steenbuck.
STEENBUCK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also STEENBOK, STEINBOCK, STEINBOK, STEMBOK, STEMBUCK.
SUBCENTERSsubcenters n. Plural of subcenter.
SUBCENTER n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTRE.
SUBCENTRESsubcentres n. Plural of subcentre.
SUBCENTRE n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTER.
TABESCENCEtabescence n. The state of being tabescent.
TABESCENCE n. a wasting, a shrivelling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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