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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing B, C, 2E, I, L and P

DECEPTIBLEdeceptible adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being deceived.
DECEPTIBLE adj. capable of being deceived; deceivable.
DESPICABLEdespicable adj. Fit or deserving to be despised; contemptible; mean.
despicable n. A wretched or wicked person.
DESPICABLE adj. worthy of being despised.
EXPLICABLEexplicable adj. Able to be explained.
EXPLICABLE adj. that can be explicated.
IMPECCABLEimpeccable adj. Perfect, without faults, flaws or errors.
impeccable adj. Incapable of wrongdoing or sin; immaculate.
IMPECCABLE adj. faultless, flawless.
PECTISABLEPECTISABLE adj. that can be pectised, also PECTIZABLE.
PECTIZABLEPECTIZABLE adj. that can be pectized, also PECTISABLE.
PIERCEABLEpierceable adj. Capable of being pierced; penetrable.
PIERCEABLE adj. that may be pierced, also PERCEABLE.
PLEBISCITEplebiscite n. A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty.
PLEBISCITE n. a direct vote of the whole nation or of the people of a district on a special point.
PREDICABLEpredicable adj. Capable of being predicated or affirmed of something; affirmable; attributable.
predicable adj. (Grammar, of an adjective) That may be used in the predicate of a sentence, especially following a form…
predicable n. Anything affirmable of another; especially, a general attribute or notion as affirmable of, or applicable…
RECEPTIBLEreceptible adj. Receivable.
RECEPTIBLE adj. such as may be received.
REPLICABLEreplicable adj. That can be replicated.
REPLICABLE adj. capable of replication.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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