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There are 16 words containing B, N, 3R and Y

BRINJARRYbrinjarry n. Alternative form of bunjara.
BRINJARRY n. (Hindi) a travelling dealer in grain and salt in South India.
CRANBERRYcranberry n. A shrub belonging to the section Vaccinium sect. Oxycoccus of the genus Vaccinium.
cranberry n. The edible red berry of that shrub.
cranberry n. An intense red colour, like that of a cranberry.
ROWANBERRYrowanberry n. The small spherical fruits of the rowan or European rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), a species of rowan (Sorbus…
rowan-berry n. Alternative spelling of rowanberry.
rowan␣berry n. Alternative spelling of rowanberry.
MARIONBERRYmarionberry n. A member of the blackberry family, a cross between the Chehalem berry and olallieberry blackberries.
MARIONBERRY n. a hybrid fruit, a cross between a loganberry and a wild blackberry.
WINTERBERRYwinterberry n. A species of holly native to the United States and Canada and producing red berries, Ilex verticillata.
winterberry n. The fruit of this plant.
WINTERBERRY n. a name given to several shrubs of the genus Ilex, growing in the eastern parts of North America.
INTERLIBRARYinterlibrary adj. Between libraries.
INTERLIBRARY adj. between libraries.
NONARBITRARYnonarbitrary adj. Not arbitrary.
NONARBITRARY adj. not arbitrary.
IRREFRANGIBLYirrefrangibly adv. In an irrefrangible manner.
IRREFRANGIBLE adv. that cannot or should not be broken.
REVERBERANTLYreverberantly adv. In a reverberant manner.
REVERBERANT adv. tending to reverberate.
REPROBATIONARYreprobationary adj. Of or relating to reprobation.
REPROBATIONARY adj. expressing reprobation.
RHOMBENPORPHYRRHOMBENPORPHYR n. an intermediate, moderately fine-grained igneous rock with feldspar phenocrysts rhombic in section, also RHOMBENPORPHYRY, RHOMBPORPHYRY.
INTRACEREBRALLYintracerebrally adv. Within the cerebrum.
INTRACEREBRAL adv. situated or occurring within or introduced or administered into the cerebrum.
IRREPREHENSIBLYirreprehensibly adv. In an irreprehensible manner.
IRREPREHENSIBLE adv. beyond blame.
NEUROFIBRILLARYneurofibrillary adj. Of or pertaining to a neurofibril.
RHOMBENPORPHYRSRHOMBENPORPHYR n. an intermediate, moderately fine-grained igneous rock with feldspar phenocrysts rhombic in section, also RHOMBENPORPHYRY, RHOMBPORPHYRY.
RHOMBENPORPHYRYRHOMBENPORPHYRY n. an intermediate, moderately fine-grained igneous rock with feldspar inclusions, also RHOMBENPORPHYR, RHOMBPORPHYRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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