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There are 16 words containing B, M, R, S, T and V

AMBIVERTSambiverts n. Plural of ambivert.
AMBIVERT n. someone who is both extroverted and introverted.
BARMITSVAHBARMITSVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITZVAH.
BARMITSVAHSBARMITSVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITZVAH.
BARMITZVAHSbar␣mitzvahs n. Plural of bar mitzvah.
bar␣mitzvahs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bar mitzvah.
BARMITZVAH n. (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, a boy attaining the age (usually 13) of religious responsibility, also BARMITSVAH.
BEREAVEMENTSbereavements n. Plural of bereavement.
BEREAVEMENT n. the state or fact of being bereaved.
BOULEVERSEMENTbouleversement n. Complete overthrow; reversal; turmoil.
BOULEVERSEMENT n. (French) an overturning, a reversal.
BOULEVERSEMENTSbouleversements n. Plural of bouleversement.
BOULEVERSEMENT n. (French) an overturning, a reversal.
IMPROVABILITIESimprovabilities n. Plural of improvability.
IMPROVABILITY n. the state of being improvable.
MEGAVERTEBRATESmegavertebrates n. Plural of megavertebrate.
MEGAVERTEBRATE n. a very large vertebrate.
MULTIVIBRATORSmultivibrators n. Plural of multivibrator.
MULTIVIBRATOR n. an electronic oscillating device using two transistors, the output of one providing the input of the other.
OVERAMBITIOUSoverambitious adj. Excessively ambitious.
OVERAMBITIOUS adj. excessively ambitious.
OVERAMBITIOUSLYoverambitiously adv. With too much ambition.
REMOVABILITIESremovabilities n. Plural of removability.
REMOVABILITY n. the state of being removable.
SUBGOVERNMENTsubgovernment n. A government that forms part of a larger government.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
SUBGOVERNMENTSsubgovernments n. Plural of subgovernment.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
VIBROMETERSvibrometers n. Plural of vibrometer.
VIBROMETER n. an instrument for measuring vibrations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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