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There are 15 words containing B, 2H and 3S

BACKSHEESHESbacksheeshes n. Plural of backsheesh.
BACKSHEESH n. (Persian) in Eastern countries, a gift or present of money, a tip.
BACKSHISHESbackshishes n. Plural of backshish.
BACKSHISH n. (Persian) in Eastern countries, a gift or present of money, a tip.
BAKHSHISHESbakhshishes n. Plural of bakhshish.
BAKSHEESHESbaksheeshes n. Plural of baksheesh.
BAKSHEESH n. (Persian) in Eastern countries, a gift or present of money, a tip.
BAKSHISHESbakshishes n. Plural of bakshish.
BASHAWSHIPSBASHAWSHIP n. the office of bashaw.
BISPHOSPHONATESbisphosphonates n. Plural of bisphosphonate.
BISPHOSPHONATE n. any of a family of drugs primarily used to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
BUCKSHISHESbuckshishes n. Plural of buckshish.
BUCKSHISH n. (Persian) in Eastern countries, a gift or present of money, a tip.
BUSHBASHINGSBUSHBASHING n. the process of forcing a path through the bush.
BUSHMANSHIPSBUSHMANSHIP n. the craft of the bushman.
HOUSEHUSBANDShousehusbands n. Plural of househusband.
house␣husbands n. Plural of house husband.
HOUSEHUSBAND n. a husband who does housekeeping usually while his wife earns the family income.
SHADBUSHESshadbushes n. Plural of shadbush.
SHADBUSH n. an American rosaceous bush flowering at shad spawning time, also SHADBLOW.
SHOEBRUSHESshoebrushes n. Plural of shoebrush.
shoe␣brushes n. Plural of shoe brush.
SHOEBRUSH n. a brush for cleaning shoes.
SUBAHSHIPSsubahships n. Plural of subahship.
SUBAHSHIP n. the office of a subahdar.
THOROUGHBASSESthoroughbasses n. Plural of thoroughbass.
THOROUGHBASS n. esp. in baroque music, a bass part underlying a piece.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 167 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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