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There are 19 words containing B, 3G and 2N

GANGBANGgangbang n. (Vulgar) Sexual intercourse involving more than two persons, especially with a high proportion of men.
gangbang n. (Vulgar) Gang rape.
gangbang n. (US, slang) The act of a street gang attacking random people on the streets and/or committing gang crimes.
GANGBANGSgangbangs n. Plural of gangbang.
gangbangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gangbang.
gang-bangs n. Plural of gang-bang.
UNBAGGINGunbagging v. Present participle of unbag.
UNBAG v. to let out of a bag.
GANGBANGEDgangbanged v. Simple past tense and past participle of gangbang.
gang-banged v. Simple past tense and past participle of gang-bang.
GANGBANG v. to carry out a gangbang, also GANGSHAG.
GANGBANGERgangbanger n. (US, slang) A member of a violent gang; a violent person.
gangbanger n. (Vulgar, sex) Someone who takes part in a gangbang.
GANGBANGER n. (vulgar) one involved in a gangbang.
EMBIGGENINGembiggening v. Present participle of embiggen.
EMBIGGEN v. to make bigger or more expansive.
GANGBANGERSgangbangers n. Plural of gangbanger.
GANGBANGER n. (vulgar) one involved in a gangbang.
GANGBANGINGgangbanging v. Present participle of gangbang.
gang-banging v. Present participle of gang-bang.
GANGBANG v. to carry out a gangbang, also GANGSHAG.
GANGBUSTINGgangbusting n. The disruption by law enforcement of organized crime.
GANGBUSTING n. breaking up gangs.
HANDBAGGINGhandbagging v. Present participle of handbag.
handbagging n. (UK, humorous) A verbal attack or criticism.
HANDBAGGING n. an attack with a handbag.
SANDBAGGINGsandbagging v. Present participle of sandbag.
sandbagging n. The striking of a person with a sandbag or other heavy object.
sandbagging n. Hiding the strength, skill or difficulty of something or someone early in an engagement.
TABOGGANINGtabogganing v. Present participle of taboggan.
TABOGGAN v. to sledge on a taboggan.
TOBOGGANINGtobogganing v. Present participle of toboggan.
tobogganing n. The use of toboggans, historically for transport, but now usually for pleasure or for organised sport.
TOBOGGANING n. the sport of sledging by toboggan.
TOBOGGININGtoboggining v. Present participle of toboggin.
TOBOGGIN v. to travel by toboggin.
BOONDOGGLINGboondoggling v. Present participle of boondoggle.
BOONDOGGLE v. to carry out unnecessary work.
HANDBAGGINGShandbaggings n. Plural of handbagging.
HANDBAGGING n. an attack with a handbag.
TARBOGGININGtarboggining v. Present participle of tarboggin.
TARBOGGIN v. to sledge on a tarboggin, also TABOGGAN, TOBOGGAN, TOBOGGIN.
TOBOGGANINGStobogganings n. Plural of tobogganing.
TOBOGGANING n. the sport of sledging by toboggan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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