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There are 14 words containing B, F, L and 3O

FOULBROODfoulbrood n. A bacterial disease of bees.
FOULBROOD n. a bacterial disease of bee larvae.
FLOORBOARDfloorboard n. Any of the long boards laid over joists to make a floor.
floorboard n. The floor of a car.
floorboard v. To sink the gas pedal into the floorboard of the car, in order to bring the car to the highest possible speed.
FLOORDROBEfloordrobe n. (Humorous) Clothing strewn on the floor.
FLOORDROBE n. a pile of clothes left on the floor of a room.
FOULBROODSFOULBROOD n. a bacterial disease of bee larvae.
FLOORBOARDSfloorboards n. Plural of floorboard.
FLOORBOARD n. a board in a floor.
FLOORDROBESfloordrobes n. Plural of floordrobe.
FLOORDROBE n. a pile of clothes left on the floor of a room.
BIOFLAVONOIDbioflavonoid n. Flavonoid.
BIOFLAVONOID n. vitamin P, a vitamin found in citrus fruit, blackcurrants and rosehips, aka citrin.
FLUOROCARBONfluorocarbon n. (Chemistry) Any derivative of a hydrocarbon in which every hydrogen atom has been replaced by fluorine.
FLUOROCARBON n. any of a series of compounds of fluorine and carbon.
SOBOLIFEROUSsoboliferous adj. (Botany) Producing soboles.
SOBOLIFEROUS adj. bearing shoots or suckers.
BIOFLAVONOIDSbioflavonoids n. Plural of bioflavonoid.
BIOFLAVONOID n. vitamin P, a vitamin found in citrus fruit, blackcurrants and rosehips, aka citrin.
FLUOROCARBONSfluorocarbons n. Plural of fluorocarbon.
FLUOROCARBON n. any of a series of compounds of fluorine and carbon.
VIBROFLOTATIONvibroflotation n. A form of vibrocompaction using horizontal vibrations and the injection of fluid.
VIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand.
PERFLUOROCARBONperfluorocarbon n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound formally derived from a hydrocarbon by replacing each hydrogen atom…
PERFLUOROCARBON n. an organic compound in which much of the hydrogen has been replaced by fluorine.
VIBROFLOTATIONSVIBROFLOTATION n. a process for compacting sand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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