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There are 18 words containing B, 2F, O, R and S

AFFORDABILITIESaffordabilities n. Plural of affordability.
AFFORDABILITY n. the quality of being affordable.
AFFORESTABLEafforestable adj. Suitable for being afforested.
AFFORESTABLE adj. that can be afforested.
BREAKOFFSbreakoffs n. Plural of breakoff.
break-offs n. Plural of break-off.
BREAKOFF n. an act of breaking off or stopping.
BROOMSTAFFbroomstaff n. (Obsolete) A broomstick.
BROOMSTAFF n. (archaic) a broomstick.
BROOMSTAFFSbroomstaffs n. Plural of broomstaff.
BROOMSTAFF n. (archaic) a broomstick.
BRUSHOFFbrushoff n. Alternative spelling of brush-off.
brush-off n. An abrupt rebuff, a snub or curt rejection, a disdainful dismissal.
brush␣off v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see brush, off. To remove something with a brush.
BRUSHOFFSbrushoffs n. Plural of brushoff.
brush-offs n. Plural of brush-off.
brush␣offs n. Plural of brush off.
BUFFALOBERRIESbuffaloberries n. Plural of buffaloberry.
buffalo-berries n. Plural of buffalo-berry.
buffalo␣berries n. Plural of buffalo berry.
BUFFOONERIESbuffooneries n. Plural of buffoonery.
BUFFOONERY n. foolish or playful behavior.
CHIFFOROBESchifforobes n. Plural of chifforobe.
CHIFFOROBE n. a combination of wardrobe and chest of drawers.
COUNTERBLUFFScounterbluffs n. Plural of counterbluff.
COUNTERBLUFF n. actions or words intended as a bluff, made in opposition to someone else's bluff.
COUNTERBUFFScounterbuffs n. Plural of counterbuff.
COUNTERBUFF v. to rebuff.
FEBRIFEROUSfebriferous adj. Causing fever.
FEBRIFEROUS adj. causing or having fever, also FEBRIFIC.
RUBOFFSruboffs n. Plural of ruboff.
rub-offs n. Plural of rub-off.
RUBOFF n. a deep impression made by close contact.
SHUFFLEBOARDshuffleboard n. (Uncountable) A game that involves sliding a puck or coin towards a target.
shuffleboard n. (Countable) The long, narrow board on which this game is played.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SHUFFLEBOARDSshuffleboards n. Plural of shuffleboard.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SUBOFFICERsubofficer n. An under or subordinate officer.
SUBOFFICER n. an under or subordinate officer.
SUBOFFICERSsubofficers n. Plural of subofficer.
SUBOFFICER n. an under or subordinate officer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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