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There are 11 words containing B, E, F, H, N and U

NUMBFISHESnumbfishes n. Plural of numbfish.
NUMBFISH n. the torpedo fish, which numbs by the electric shocks which it gives.
BASHFULNESSbashfulness n. The quality or property of being bashful.
BASHFULNESS n. the state of being bashful.
BULLFINCHESbullfinches n. Plural of bullfinch.
bull-finches n. Plural of bull-finch.
BULLFINCH n. a type of finch.
REFURBISHINGrefurbishing v. Present participle of refurbish.
refurbishing n. The act by which something is refurbished.
REFURBISHING n. the act of refurbishing.
UNFATHOMABLEunfathomable adj. Impossible to fathom or understand.
unfathomable adj. Difficult to penetrate.
UNFATHOMABLE adj. not capable of being fathomed.
BASHFULNESSESbashfulnesses n. Plural of bashfulness.
BASHFULNESS n. the state of being bashful.
REFURBISHINGSrefurbishings n. Plural of refurbishing.
REFURBISHING n. the act of refurbishing.
REFURBISHMENTrefurbishment n. The act of refurbishing; renovation.
REFURBISHMENT n. the act of refurbishing.
UNFASHIONABLEunfashionable adj. Not fashionable.
unfashionable adj. (Obsolete) That cannot be fashioned; unshapely, distorted.
UNFASHIONABLE adj. not in keeping with the current fashion.
REFURBISHMENTSrefurbishments n. Plural of refurbishment.
REFURBISHMENT n. the act of refurbishing.
UNFASHIONABLESSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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