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There are 18 words containing B, D, I, 2T and V

BODDHISATTVAboddhisattva n. Alternative form of bodhisattva.
BODDHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODHISATTVA.
BODDHISATTVASboddhisattvas n. Plural of boddhisattva.
BODDHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODHISATTVA.
BODHISATTVAbodhisattva n. (Buddhism) A person who has taken specific lay or monastic vows and who is on the road to perfect knowledge;…
bodhisattva n. (Buddhism) An enlightened being existing in a form of existence beyond the ordinary forms of physical…
BODHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODDHISATTVA.
BODHISATTVASbodhisattvas n. Plural of bodhisattva.
BODHISATTVA n. one who gives up Nirvana out of compassion for others, also BODDHISATTVA.
DEBILITATIVEdebilitative adj. Causing or relating to debilitation.
DEBILITATIVE adj. weakening.
DISTRIBUTIVEdistributive adj. Relating to distribution.
distributive adj. Tending to distribute; serving to divide and assign in portions; dealing a proper share to each.
distributive adj. (Mathematics) A property of functions that have a rule describing how the function can be performed…
DISTRIBUTIVELYdistributively adv. In a distributive manner.
DISTRIBUTIVE adv. relating to distribution.
DISTRIBUTIVESdistributives n. Plural of distributive.
DISTRIBUTIVE n. a distributive word, like each or every, that indicates the several individuals of a number taken separately.
DISTRIBUTIVITYdistributivity n. (Mathematics) the fact of being distributive.
DISTRIBUTIVITY n. the state of being distributive.
DISTURBATIVEdisturbative adj. (Chiefly archaic) Of, pertaining to, or causing the act of disturbing.
DISTURBATIVE adj. serving to disturb.
DIVERTIBILITIESDIVERTIBILITY n. the state of being divertible.
DIVERTIBILITYDIVERTIBILITY n. the state of being divertible.
DUBITATIVEdubitative adj. Tending to doubt; doubtful.
DUBITATIVE adj. relating to doubt or incertitude.
DUBITATIVELYdubitatively adv. Doubtfully.
DUBITATIVE adv. relating to doubt or incertitude.
OBJECTIVATEDobjectivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of objectivate.
OBJECTIVATE v. to render objective.
REDISTRIBUTIVEredistributive adj. Of or pertaining to redistribution.
REDISTRIBUTIVE adj. relating to redistribution.
SUBSTANTIVISEDsubstantivised v. Simple past tense and past participle of substantivise.
SUBSTANTIVISE v. to make substantive, also SUBSTANTIVIZE.
SUBSTANTIVIZEDsubstantivized v. Simple past tense and past participle of substantivize.
SUBSTANTIVIZE v. to make substantive, also SUBSTANTIVISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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