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There are 13 words containing B, D, 2I, K and Y

DICKYBIRDdicky-bird n. (Hypocoristic) A small bird.
dicky-bird n. (Britain, informal, from Cockney rhyming slang, used especially in negative constructions) A word; a…
dicky␣bird n. Alternative form of dicky-bird.
BRADYKININbradykinin n. (Biochemistry) A compound released in the blood in some circumstances which causes contraction of smooth…
BRADYKININ n. a blood hormone causing dilation of blood vessels.
DICKEYBIRDDICKEYBIRD n. a false shirtfront, also DICKYBIRD.
DICKYBIRDSdicky-birds n. Plural of dicky-bird.
dicky␣birds n. Plural of dicky bird.
DICKYBIRD n. a false shirtfront, also DICKEYBIRD.
BRADYKININSbradykinins n. Plural of bradykinin.
BRADYKININ n. a blood hormone causing dilation of blood vessels.
CHICKABIDDYchickabiddy n. (Childish) A chicken or similar bird.
chickabiddy n. Term of endearment for a young child or loved one.
CHICKABIDDY n. a term of endearment.
DICKEYBIRDSDICKEYBIRD n. a false shirtfront, also DICKYBIRD.
BRADYKINESIAbradykinesia n. (Medicine) Slowness of movement.
BRADYKINESIA n. abnormal slowness of physical movement, esp. as a symptom of Parkinson's disease.
DRINKABILITYdrinkability n. The state or property of being drinkable.
drinkability n. The extent to which something is drinkable.
DRINKABILITY n. the state of being drinkable.
BRADYKINESIASbradykinesias n. Plural of bradykinesia.
BRADYKINESIA n. abnormal slowness of physical movement, esp. as a symptom of Parkinson's disease.
BRACHYPINAKOIDBRACHYPINAKOID n. a pinakoid or prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
BRACHYPINAKOIDSBRACHYPINAKOID n. a pinakoid or prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
KNOWLEDGABILITYknowledgability n. Alternative form of knowledgeability.
KNOWLEDGABILITY n. the quality of being knowledgable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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