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There are 20 words containing B, D, F, L, S and Y

DOBSONFLYdobsonfly n. Any insect of the subfamily Corydalinae, whose males have long mandibles, found in the Americas and…
DOBSONFLY n. the larva of a large neuropterous insect, used as fish bait, also DOBSON.
DEFEASIBLYdefeasibly adv. In a defeasible manner; subject to being defeated or invalidated.
DEFENSIBLYdefensibly adv. In a defensible manner.
defensibly adv. Defendably.
DEFENSIBLE adv. that can be defended.
FLYBRIDGESflybridges n. Plural of flybridge.
FLYBRIDGE n. an open deck on a cabin cruiser.
DISYLLABIFYdisyllabify v. (Linguistics, transitive) To split or convert (a monosyllable) into two syllables.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
SYLLABIFIEDsyllabified v. Simple past tense and past participle of syllabify.
SYLLABIFY v. to divide into syllables.
INDEFEASIBLYindefeasibly adv. In an indefeasible manner.
INDEFEASIBLE adv. not capable of being annulled e.g. of a right.
INDEFENSIBLYindefensibly adv. In an indefensible manner.
INDEFENSIBLE adv. incapable of being maintained as right or valid.
DEFEASIBILITYdefeasibility n. State or instance of being defeasible.
DEFEASIBILITY n. the quality of being defeasible.
DEFENSIBILITYdefensibility n. The state or quality of being defensible.
DEFENSIBILITY n. the quality of being defensible.
DIFFUSIBILITYdiffusibility n. (Physics, of a gas or other fluid) A measure of the speed of diffusion.
diffusibility n. (Figuratively, e.g. of a disease) Capacity for spreading.
DIFFUSIBILITY n. the state of being diffusible.
DISYLLABIFIEDdisyllabified v. Simple past tense and past participle of disyllabify.
disyllabified adj. (Rare) Made disyllabic; pronounced as two syllables.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
DISYLLABIFIESdisyllabifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disyllabify.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
DISSYLLABIFIEDdissyllabified adj. Alternative form of disyllabified.
DISSYLLABIFY v. to make disyllabic.
DISYLLABIFYINGdisyllabifying v. Present participle of disyllabify.
DISYLLABIFY v. to make into two syllables.
INDEFEASIBILITYindefeasibility n. The state or quality of being indefeasible, of being incapable of being defeated.
INDEFEASIBILITY n. the state of being indefeasible.
INDEFENSIBILITYindefensibility n. The quality or state of not being defensible.
INDEFENSIBILITY n. the state of being indefensible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 166 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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