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There are 19 words containing 2B, G, 2N and O

KNOBBINGknobbing v. Present participle of knob.
knobbing n. A pattern of knobs or lumps.
knobbing n. (UK, vulgar, slang) A session of penetrative sexual intercourse.
NOBBLINGnobbling v. Present participle of nobble.
NOBBLE v. to disable a racehorse.
KNOBBLINGknobbling v. Present participle of knobble.
KNOBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE, NUBBLE.
RIBBONINGribboning v. Present participle of ribbon.
RIBBON v. to decorate with narrow strips of fabric.
BIOBANKINGbiobanking n. (Biology) The storage of biological specimens in a biobank.
BIOBANKING n. the practice of creating large-scale repositories of human biological material (e.g. blood, urine, tissue samples, DNA, etc.) designed to further medical research.
CONFABBINGconfabbing v. Present participle of confab.
CONFAB v. to converse, gossip.
HOBNOBBINGhobnobbing v. Present participle of hobnob.
hobnobbing n. A friendly, informal session of talking or drinking.
HOBNOB v. to associate with in a friendly way.
BIOBANKINGSBIOBANKING n. the practice of creating large-scale repositories of human biological material (e.g. blood, urine, tissue samples, DNA, etc.) designed to further medical research.
BOMBINATINGbombinating v. Present participle of bombinate.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
BOOKBINDINGbookbinding n. The art, craft or process of binding books.
BOOKBINDING n. the art or trade of binding books.
STUBBORNINGSTUBBORN v. to be stubborn, persist.
BABINGTONITEbabingtonite n. A mineral occurring in triclinic crystals approaching pyroxene in angle, and of a greenish black color…
BABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
BOOKBINDINGSbookbindings n. Plural of bookbinding.
BOOKBINDING n. the art or trade of binding books.
OBNUBILATINGobnubilating v. Present participle of obnubilate.
OBNUBILATE v. (obsolete) to darken, cloud over.
BABINGTONITESBABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
COBBLESTONINGcobblestoning n. (Medicine) Any lumpy appearance of the trachea, lungs, etc. caused by regular nodules.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
MONEYGRUBBINGmoneygrubbing adj. Alternative spelling of money-grubbing.
money-grubbing adj. Fiercely avaricious for money.
MONEYGRUBBING n. scraping and saving.
BROBDINGNAGIANbrobdingnagian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Brobdingnagian.
Brobdingnagian adj. Of or pertaining to Brobdingnag.
Brobdingnagian adj. (Figurative) Enormous, huge, far larger than is customary for such a thing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 254 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 185 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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