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There are 16 words containing 2B, D, 2I and O

ADSORBABILITIESadsorbabilities n. Plural of adsorbability.
ADSORBABILITY n. the ability to be adsorbed.
ADSORBABILITYadsorbability n. A measure of the degree to which a material is capable of adsorption.
ADSORBABILITY n. the ability to be adsorbed.
ANTIBILLBOARDantibillboard adj. Opposing the erection of billboards.
ANTIBILLBOARD adj. opposed to the use of billboards.
BILLBOARDINGbillboarding n. (Computer graphics) A technique in three-dimensional graphics in which a sprite is rendered perpendicular…
BILLBOARD v. to advertise by means of billboards.
BIODESTRUCTIBLEbiodestructible adj. Capable of being destroyed by natural biological processes.
BIODESTRUCTIBLE adj. biodegradable.
BISHOPBIRDBISHOPBIRD n. a genus of African weaverbird, the males of which have black plumage marked with red or yellow.
BISHOPBIRDSBISHOPBIRD n. a genus of African weaverbird, the males of which have black plumage marked with red or yellow.
BOATBUILDINGboatbuilding n. The construction of a boat or boats.
BOATBUILDING n. the industry of building boats.
BOATBUILDINGSboatbuildings n. Plural of boatbuilding.
BOATBUILDING n. the industry of building boats.
BODYBUILDINGbodybuilding n. A sport in which the aesthetics of muscular development is the basis for competition.
bodybuilding n. (Dated) Work done to construct or repair the body of an automobile.
body-building n. Alternative form of bodybuilding.
BODYBUILDINGSBODYBUILDING n. the sport of building up one's physique.
BOOKBINDERIESbookbinderies n. Plural of bookbindery.
BOOKBINDERY n. a place where books are bound.
BOOKBINDINGbookbinding n. The art, craft or process of binding books.
BOOKBINDING n. the art or trade of binding books.
BOOKBINDINGSbookbindings n. Plural of bookbinding.
BOOKBINDING n. the art or trade of binding books.
BROBDINGNAGIANbrobdingnagian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Brobdingnagian.
Brobdingnagian adj. Of or pertaining to Brobdingnag.
Brobdingnagian adj. (Figurative) Enormous, huge, far larger than is customary for such a thing.
DIVEBOMBINGdivebombing v. Present participle of divebomb.
dive-bombing v. Present participle of dive-bomb.
DIVEBOMB v. to drop bombs on a target from a diving airplane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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