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There are 19 words containing 3B, E, L and N

BLEBBINGblebbing v. Present participle of bleb.
BLEBBING n. the forming of a blister.
BLEBBINGSBLEBBING n. the forming of a blister.
BABBLEMENTbabblement n. (Obsolete) babble.
BABBLEMENT n. babble.
BEDABBLINGbedabbling v. Present participle of bedabble.
BEDABBLE v. to make wet by dabbling.
BLABBERINGblabbering v. Present participle of blabber.
blabbering n. Foolish or incoherent talk; blather; babble.
BLABBER v. to reveal secrets.
BLUBBERINGblubbering v. Present participle of blubber.
blubbering n. Noisy sobbing.
BLUBBER v. to weep effusively.
UNBRIBABLEunbribable adj. Who cannot be bribed.
UNBRIBABLE adj. not bribable.
BABBLEMENTSbabblements n. Plural of babblement.
BABBLEMENT n. babble.
BRABBLEMENTbrabblement n. (Dated) A brabble; a noisy contest or wrangle.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
UNCLUBBABLEunclubbable adj. Not suitable for membership of a club, because of a lack of social skills or conformity; unsociable.
UNCLUBBABLE adj. unsociable, not suitable for taking to a club, also UNCLUBABLE.
BESCRIBBLINGbescribbling v. Present participle of bescribble.
BESCRIBBLE v. (archaic) to scribble over.
BESLOBBERINGbeslobbering v. Present participle of beslobber.
BESLOBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLUBBER.
BESLUBBERINGbeslubbering v. Present participle of beslubber.
BESLUBBER v. to slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth, also BESLOBBER.
BONNYCLABBERbonnyclabber n. (Scotland and US dialects) Sour, soured, fermented or curdled milk; acidophilus milk.
BONNYCLABBER n. (Irish) milk naturally clotted on souring.
BRABBLEMENTSbrabblements n. Plural of brabblement.
BRABBLEMENT n. (archaic) a squabbling.
TECHNOBABBLEtechnobabble n. Technical or scientific language used in fiction to convey a false impression of meaningful technical…
technobabble n. From the point of view of the layperson, technical and scientific literature not understood.
TECHNOBABBLE n. technical jargon.
BONNYCLABBERSBONNYCLABBER n. (Irish) milk naturally clotted on souring.
NONABSORBABLEnonabsorbable adj. That is not able to be absorbed; not absorbable.
nonabsorbable n. A material that cannot be absorbed.
NONABSORBABLE adj. not absorbable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 181 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 106 words
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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